
Hi everyone the five hundred followers couple’s picture is now complete: 
          	Thank you all so much for 500 followers!


@Bottle7 oh my thanks for the reply i have to reread them again it's been a while


@leslyyapyap You’re not a bother. Paula and Carter are from The Swan’s Courtship in Viridian Visions (the green book).  


Hi bro do you by any change know this femdom stories title? 
          1.  It's a world where females are dom and males are sub.  Both female and male are taught how to be good dom and sub in their school. This story about a female teacher who later take the role of dom for her one male student because his partner were treating him badly.
          2. The boy works in a club/bar - i forgot- where he met the FL. The FL are dom and the boy are sub so the paired up nicely but then something happened and they broke up. They've lost contact for some time and when the FL go to his house/watch the news she found out that he had hang himself because he was so depressed.
          3. This stori had 13 chapters when it disappeared from my reading list. Its about a girl who move to a new school and meet a rich boy whom everyone suspect to be a murderer who push a fellow student to his death in school hall. The boy is a sub "I can handle pain very well". In the last ch, they are heading to the boy's home to do school project, where in the car the boy struggle to put his seatbelt so the girl help him.
          Pleaseee, if any of you know the titles please answer
          (Sorry just learning english)


But it looks like it deleted :(
            Do you also know the author @KingKesh254?


Hi everyone the five hundred followers couple’s picture is now complete: 
          Thank you all so much for 500 followers!


@Bottle7 oh my thanks for the reply i have to reread them again it's been a while


@leslyyapyap You’re not a bother. Paula and Carter are from The Swan’s Courtship in Viridian Visions (the green book).  


Alright, it's past Wednesday, I decided to give a couple more days to see if anyone else would vote. For a while there I thought we were tied between Hubert and Sloane vs River Parker and Max. However, I did see that on 03/15 I did ask for votes then, so I did a recount.
          By my count the numbers are as follows:
          Dylan and Dorian: 1
          Sam and Jessica: 1
          Charlie and Mickey: 1
          Kai and Claude 1:
          Mars and Fritz: 1
          Esme and Cecil: 1
          Reagan and Silas: 1
          Ryder and Hayden: 1
          August and Dallas: 1
          Jack and Billie: 1
          Then in third we have:
          River, Parker, and Max with 4 votes
          In second we have: 
          Sloane and Hubert with 5 votes
          And the winner of this couple's poll is:
          Paula and Carter with 7 votes!
          Again thank you all so much for the support you've given for this series! I'll take a few days to work on Paula and Carter's artwork and I'll post it as always do on my Patreon and Kofi. I'll be sure to post links here when it's done so you don't have to look for it!
          I'm still working on the next update of High Seas, I am trying to finish that story before continuing with Mother of an Empire. With the weekend arriving I'll have a bit more time to sit down and really write everything out!
          Thanks again everyone!


Update on the couple's Poll:
          It's been a couple days since I posted, here are the current votes:
          Paula and Carter are in the lead with 5 votes
          Sloane and Hubert are in second place with 4 votes
          River, Parker, and Max have 2 votes
          Sam+Jessica, Dylan+Dorian, Kai+Claude, Mars+Fritz, Esme+Cecil, Reagan+Silas, and Ryder+Hayden are all tied for last with 1 vote each.
          I'll keep the poll open for a couple more days to give everyone a chance to vote. You guys have until Wednesday of this week to vote! After that I'll announce a winner!
          Thank you all once again for 500 followers!!


Sloane and Hubert or River, Parker, and Max


Well... We're at five hundred followers... What..? How?! You guys seem to have gotten really good at sneaking these milestones up on me! 
          First, let me say how much I appreciate everyone's support. I've been writing for a long time and have never gotten this far with building any sort of community behind my work. So I've gotten used to doing my own little thing and making things I enjoy making. 
          When I started I wanted to do something different than anything else I've done before. I didn't think I'd get any sort of attention on anything I wrote, which is what I was used to. I was just enjoying the art of making these silly little stories.
          And that's what it was, until you guys started coming in. Suddenly, I had people telling me how much they liked my writing?! Which is just wild to me. So rest assured, I'm not going anywhere any time soon and I plan on making plenty of Yes, My Alpha in the future. Even if I don't always get to update as often as I like.
          Speaking of which, a bit of an announcement, recently I've changed my upload style where I upload as I write. This has been unsustainable as it leaves you guys with large blocks of time with no new content when life gets in the way. So I'm reverting back. I'll be completing stories, except for Mother of an Empire, before they are uploaded. 
          Once High Seas is finished, I'll be switching back to that. The good news is, Wattpad has a schedule feature which it didn't have before. So that means, I can schedule out updates. So hopefully this gets more consistent content out there.
          Now, onto the matter at hand, the couples Poll. If you're new, I draw a piece of couples art every hundred followers. Any couple from my stories is eligible. 
          I've done: Harriet and Thomas, Beau and Logan, Darcy and Liam, Beatrix and Ellis, and Taylor and Cameron in the past. So they are no longer eligible. 
          So far we have votes for Carter and Paula, and Dylan and Dorian. 
          I'll be sure to post the piece once we have a clear winner.


Hubert and Sloane , Paula and Carter !!!!


Kai and Claude, Mars and Fritz, Esmeralda and Cecil, Reagan and Silas, Ryder and Hayden, Sloane and Hubert, Paula and Carter


I’m free of finals!!! New chapters coming soon!!


@Bottle7 OMG !!! Sooo excited ❤️‍


@Bottle7 Omggg yayyy I'm so excited!!!!


Alright thanks to everyone's suggestions I've now got the entire Yes My Alpha and Mother of an Empire series backed up on AO3. The user name is the same Bottle7. So if there's ever a situation where this goes down you can find me there. Also, I will still be on Inkitt and my Ko-Fi and Patreon.
          I'm still working on getting everything up on Inkitt. 
          But it's a relief to have everything on Ao3 now. 
          Side note, apparently I've written over 600k with just the Yes My Alpha Series and Mother of an Empire. Mother of an Empire beating out Viridian Visions which stands at a hefty 92,580 words with 116,090 words.


That’s wild  props to you author 


Correction, Perfectly pink has 92k words, Viridian Visions has 98,016 words


Hey everyone in light of recent updates on Wattpad. I've taken to starting to back up my stories on Inkitt. Just in case something happens there, or my profile gets taken down for whatever reason.
          So just so you know I'm available over there under the same user Bottle7


@aminyajamzzz2 I'm planning on using both Inkitt and AO3 I've already got up to perfectly pink posted on Inkitt and I'm working on doing the same for AO3. Wattpad will still have priority so don't worry about having to move over to another site just yet. But they're serving as safety nets just in case.


You should use AO3 instead, it's amazing!! I'l support your writing either way 


@Bottle7 Now that you mention the links, you should also use Linktree, it would help a lot so that new readers can more easily find the extra content that you have in your other accounts.


You guys... You guys... It's barely been two months!
          You guys are crazy! We're already almost at 500 followers?! We just hit 400 back in January!
          Alright... Alright... I'm sure you guys know the drill now, for those of you who don't. Around the time I reach about halfway to the next goal post of followers, I open up a poll to choose which couple from my stories gets new art. 
          So far we've done the following couples... Please keep in mind these are NOT your options.
          Thomas and Harriet
          Beau and Logan
          Darcy and Liam
          Beatrix and Ellis
          Taylor and Cameron
          Again the above couples are NOT your options for this poll. They are the previous winners. Any other couples from my stories are available to vote on. You can vote for multiple couples and the poll will remain open until we reach a winner and until we reach 500 followers. 
          After that, I'll announce the winner of the poll and then shortly post the art. Again thank you guys so much for the support. I really do appreciate it.
          Side question what kind of settings would you like to see in the future? Would you like to see more sci-fi? Do you want more historical? Or do you prefer modern?


@Bottle7  do one in the Stone age


@Bottle7 I would probably want to see Dylan and Dorian. Just bc I feel like Dylan is super cool with all her handmade jewelry.
            Also I really like both the historical settings and the modern ones. I think I'd like to see more modern for now. I wonder what the bottle verse™️ (it's a thing now) would look like in the 2020s. In the modern world we see a lot more breakdown of norms and the divorcing of gender, sex, and sexuality. We recognize that these things don't necessarily depend on each other to determine someone's identity. Men are embracing traditionally "feminine" things, while women do the same for "masculine" things. 
            I wonder if something similar would happen in a modern omegaverse?
            Idk I just really like complex world building. Do your thing tho!