Welcome to this fabulous page run by us, The Queen Bitches,

There's Four of us by the way

•Lucifer (me)


•Psycho bitch

•Ms. Fuck Your Man

Lucifer is da queen bitch that loves herself too much. She will go up to you and stick her finger in your face. She also thinks shes the queen of hell hence lucifer.

~Batman,Psycho Bitch, Ms.Fuck Your Man

(Fuck Y'all i do rule hell, bow down loser bitches) ~Lucifer

Batman is a precious gem with the mind of a pervert. This bitch cray cray (not as cray cray as me~Lucifer&Psycho Bitch). She can do anything fuckers because, why? Shes batman thats why.

~Lucifer, Psycho Bitch, Ms.Fuck Your Man

(Ahh that's so true and fuck u too yay)~It's Batman bitch

When Psycho Bitch grows up (if that bitch ever does) we all know that she gonna be a hooker with a sidehoe and an extra sidehoe to go with that. She's a dumb bitch with no common sense.

(Ok, I'm smarter than all these bitches combined and I'm not a perv or a hooker. That's the job of Ms.Fuck Your Man) ~Psycho Bitch

{Batman here none of here response is valid tbh.}

(Whatever)~psycho bitch

~Lucifer,Batman, Ms.Fuck Your Man

Ms. Fuck Your Man is either bi-curious of lets just face it a lesbian(she's not out the closet yet). Keep your man away from Ms. Fuck Your Man cause she's gonna fuck your man, fuck your woman, and fuck you.

~Psycho Bitch, Lucifer, Batman

Ms. Fuck Your Man -These dumb ass bitches dont know what there talking about they just jealous bitches 'cause they know Im the number one
  • InscritMay 12, 2015


Histoire par •The Queen Bitches•
Fuck you par BowDownToThe4Queens
Fuck you
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