"The Blooming Night Girl and The Gloomy Morning Boy"
By: BoyishNerd1125
Every night two windows we're slightly open as curtains slowly hovered towards the wall, the was like how it displayed.
The wind whispering, the stars shimmering and the moon lit streets.
A girl and boy not a teen nor a child we're wide awake sitting on their beds, both staring at their open windows.
They continued staring noting the fact that the sun was peeking over some mountains at the distance and that they could only dream of sleeping seeing as they have insomnia.
Th girl loved the darkness of the dimly night sky. On the other hand, the boy loved the bright sun and cloudy sky. They are opposites of what time of day they adore. The girl, she always looked so cheerful and lively, unlike the mysterious and unknown darkness. The boy he always looked gloomy and broken, who would've that he loved the sun and all types of clouds?
They we're just acting like any other person out there.. so they could fit in, be one with everyone else.
I feel content with this.
Can someone help me with... stuff such as these you could and could not it's your choice..
Just need tips about stuff..
- Ms. C