
Hope the fanfic, "It's What Friends Do" is still holding up for those who are still reading! More fanfics to come so stay tuned!! #bradhawkins #fanfiction 


"It's What Friends Do" Chapter 14 is LIVE NOW! 
          Only a few chapters left until this Brad Hawkins FanFiction story reaches its end! #bradhawkins 


@BradHawkinsFanFic2 First, you picked one HOT celebrity to write about!! Brad Hawkins only gets sexier with age, too!  And the story is awesome, guy! Hurry up with the other chapters!


"It's What Friends Do" Chapter 13 is LIVE NOW! 
          The story is so close to reaching it's end! Here's what you're missing out on so far!
          Chris Wheeler and actor Brad Hawkins have become even closer as friends and Brad let's Chris in on some of his own personal issues involving his wife and four children! Chris, having forgotten about his own hellish life back at home, decides to turn the tables and do a good deed for Brad, who has been letting Chris stay at his home for the past week after a near suicidal incident. Now, Chris wants to get Brad out to Austin, TX to retrieve his four kids from his wife who is trying to have someone Brad doesn't even know keep an eye out on the kids. It was Chris who convinced Brad to take action, and now...the story is about to be wrapped up as Brad enters the "Austin's Finest Hotel" to confront his wife. 
           #BradHawkins #FanFiction 


"It's What Friends Do" UPDATE POST!
          With eleven chapters completed and released for your viewings and with Chapter Twelve on the way, here is the run down of this story for those who are just starting or picking up where you left off! So far there are three characters that have been spoken of frequently throughout this story. The first character of course being the REAL life actor Brad Hawkins (who I am using in this story as an actor who is basically playing himself in my story here). The second character is the second main character, Chris Wheeler, who is a gay twenty-nine year old male who has been friends online with actor Brad Hawkins via a mutual fetish/kink group chat. For the longest time, Chris Wheeler had no clue that he was online chat buddies with THE Brad Hawkins Actor! When Brad low-key reveals his identity to Chris, the two become closer friends. The THIRD character to be introduced here is Jeff Zielke, this character is the boyfriend of Chris Wheeler, however their relationship is on the brink of crumbling and Jeff comes off as a real jerk to Chris! Things escalate more and more between the two until Chris finally contemplates suicide while Jeff leaves him alone in their apartment. Luckily, Brad Hawkins sends a random text message to the fetish/kink group chat that he's apart of and Chris just so happens to check the text. Next off, Chris breaks down and explains everything that's been happening between him and his soon to be ex boyfriend, Jeff. Brad, feeling that Chris is in a highly dangerous and toxic environment, decides to invite Chris out to Dallas, Texas where he lives and stay a week with him at his house. 


"It's What Friends Do" Chapter 9 has just been published! Go and catch up on the Brad Hawkins fanfic story as it's nearing it's conclusion. What do you guys feel is the heart of the story here? As weird and wild as some elements may be, what do you guys believe the soul, heart and moral of this story is? Leave comments to answer and leave votes on the story if you're enjoying it! Thank you :) #bradhawkins #fanfiction