I would like to recommend that someone who makes fanfics on Wattpad make a fanfic of the Netflix original adult animated series 'F is for Family' because I haven't found many people who made a fanfic of this series using this OC which means a 'fan-made character that doesn't exist in the series'. And this fan-made character that doesn't exist in the series could be an eldest daughter of the Murphy family who shares her room with her younger sister Maureen Murphy and she never gets into trouble and has never disappointed her father Frank Murphy. He is happy with his daughter and her mother Susan Murphy or Sue also loves her daughter who has always been the most well-behaved and always got good grades in school subjects and who is always by the side of her brothers Bill Murphy, Maureen Murphy and Kevin Murphy who is always jealous of her because she is always well treated by her mother and father. I recommend that someone make this fanfic and that the chapters are based on episodes from seasons 1 to 5 of the series.