
Wow, I'm . . . really, just kinda not here anymore. . . . I've been on tumblr, and I've kinda been quietly writing, but I'm not HERE here. I . . . don't really know what to say. "Sorry?" "Hey, I'm not dead?" Uhhh, I actually graduated high school last week, and I haven't felt this good about anything in at least six years. So that's good, I guess. 


oh congrats on your graduation!!!


Wow, I'm . . . really, just kinda not here anymore. . . . I've been on tumblr, and I've kinda been quietly writing, but I'm not HERE here. I . . . don't really know what to say. "Sorry?" "Hey, I'm not dead?" Uhhh, I actually graduated high school last week, and I haven't felt this good about anything in at least six years. So that's good, I guess. 


oh congrats on your graduation!!!


! IMPORTANT ! (Half vent?)
          I'm getting tempted to just take down all my writing. To put it short and simple, I'm losing motivation to even write at all. None of it feels good enough anymore. Even the things I was embarrassed about I left up just cause I thought someone would enjoy them, but it's just getting to be overwhelming. The embarrassment about most of the things I have finished and the pressure to continue the things I haven't finished. It's too much. I won't take anything down right away because that's kind of just a bother right now, but please say something if, and only if you genuinely want me to leave my work up. I will. 


@Brainhasleftthechat I will admit, your story was the reason why I made mine a story and I like to look back at it to expand on the creation of my characters


@Koriki_Kocho If I may ask, what sort of inspiration do you get from my fangan?


@Koriki_Kocho Sure I can. I'm glad you like what little there is. 


          I'm pretty sure my anxiety and abandonment issues are getting worse. I've begun to start actually squirming if someone starts looking at me for more than maybe 10 seconds. I think I was also whispering, "Don't look at me. Stop looking at me. Please don't look at me," or something like that. I can barely stand to exist around other people anymore. I feel both too young and too old to actually be living. Outside of home, people really do just ignore me. I'm not sure they would notice if I disappeared. If they did, I'm not sure they would care. I've even tried intentionally changing my behavior in some of my classes. Once, I had a panic attack in class, so I put my head down and started crying. I covered my face, but I'm still kind of vocal when I cry.  No one.  Even.  Noticed. No one.       Even.       Cared.


@Error-GenderNotFound I'm not sure, but I'd like to try. *hug*


Small vent ramble 
          Do you really still think of yourself as my friend? We haven't talked in so long. I tried to talk but I'm scared. I'm sorry. Why don't you talk to me like you used to? Am I annoying? Surely I am. Surely, you just find it exhausting to talk to me. If that's the truth, just tell me. Just tell me, and I'll never speak again. I still care for you more than myself. Tell me to shut up, and I'll never say another word. I promise. 
          This goes through my mind day after day after day. I want it to stop. I wish my mind didn't think like this. I hate it!