
I'm back! It's been a long time but I've been going through a couple things in the real world. I've been going through and starting over from the beginning. I'm going to try to work with the stories I've created but I'm going to be making new stories that you may like a lot more. Thanks a lot for sticking around! Hopefully I'll be more active towards this account. 


I'm back! It's been a long time but I've been going through a couple things in the real world. I've been going through and starting over from the beginning. I'm going to try to work with the stories I've created but I'm going to be making new stories that you may like a lot more. Thanks a lot for sticking around! Hopefully I'll be more active towards this account. 


Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating any of my stories for the past few months, , my computer actually broke. :( I am slowly starting to update where I left off, so thank you guys for being awesome and patient! Updates will be coming soon! :D 
          P.S. I also started to think about rewriting most of my stories, just change them up a little bit to make them better.