Despite a very recent move to sunny Florida...

I'm a true New Yorker - A five borough girl - Born, and raised in Brooklyn - Spent childhood summers on the beaches of the Rockaways - Went to high school on Staten Island - Went to ball games in the Bronx - Graduated with a degree in Dramatic Literature from NYU...

I've spent most of my life on bridges or in tunnels. So it seems that I'm always climbing over or pushing through whatever life hands me.
  • Central Florida
  • JoinedJuly 2, 2017

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BridgesTunnels BridgesTunnels Aug 02, 2023 01:53PM
Wattpad app seems to be glitchy on comments. Keeps telling me “Whoops!” and that comments disappeared…Apparently I needed to log into the desktop version to properly see and respond to comments.So...
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Stories by BridgesTunnels
Mastering Your Heart by BridgesTunnels
Mastering Your Heart
Rayanne-Rose Constantine didn't get much from her addict mother before she overdosed two years ago. Unless yo...
ranking #62 in grumpysunshine See all rankings
All by BridgesTunnels
Open Novella Contest III Entry, based on Romance Prompt #66 - GameSetMatch, a new dating app/game that promis...
Try-State Area by BridgesTunnels
Try-State Area
According to her brother, high school sophomore Emily Randazzo has a "GPS brain" which set her rout...
ranking #41 in neurodiversity See all rankings
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