+ Wamo Mackbright , Author +
I love writing . However, I wanted to give the world a taste of my work. I decided to join @Wattpad. I love every single one of you that kept supporting me and voting.

Thank you so much for reading my story. You guys give me the courage to keep going whenever I want to give up. I hope one day, I can reach up there. I really am working hard to become a successful writer.
So stay with me.

+Favorite song: Devil doesn't bargain .
+Favorite food: Everything
+Allergic to:meat and green pepper
+Favorite series :Love Alarm (Netflix movie)
+Languages: French, and English.

Follow me on Instagram:
  • Cameroon
  • انضمSeptember 23, 2022


قصة بقلم Wamo Mackbright
Troubled memories  بقلم Bright4lf
Troubled memories
In this book we will be taking back to my high school life ,where you would learn lots concerning me and also...
+21 أكثر