
Omg, So hey. How's everyone been. I've been...good. I actually have been gone longer then I thought. I'm sorry about that! But I'm back and hopefully going to start posting more often again! In the past couple days I got a bunch a notifs that people voted and commented on my stories. That inspired me to get back into it. I started those stories and kinda left you guys hanging. So I'm going to try and post on them both more. I made the same announcement MONTHS ago because I thought I was ready to come back. I wasn't. But now I'm in a more positive head space with friends and family to support me. Not in here tho. I'd die if my parents found out my account. On the real, can I talk about how much I missed school. I never realized how much I took being in a real school for granted. Now I reconnected with old friends and made new ones. It's been great. Before I was sporting F's and D's, now I have straight A's. I love it so much. I love talking to people so much! Well that's it for now. I'll make another announcement when I update my stories next which will be soon! Ok, Byebye for now.


@ BrightEyes303  I'nm so glad you're back :D !!!!


Omg, So hey. How's everyone been. I've been...good. I actually have been gone longer then I thought. I'm sorry about that! But I'm back and hopefully going to start posting more often again! In the past couple days I got a bunch a notifs that people voted and commented on my stories. That inspired me to get back into it. I started those stories and kinda left you guys hanging. So I'm going to try and post on them both more. I made the same announcement MONTHS ago because I thought I was ready to come back. I wasn't. But now I'm in a more positive head space with friends and family to support me. Not in here tho. I'd die if my parents found out my account. On the real, can I talk about how much I missed school. I never realized how much I took being in a real school for granted. Now I reconnected with old friends and made new ones. It's been great. Before I was sporting F's and D's, now I have straight A's. I love it so much. I love talking to people so much! Well that's it for now. I'll make another announcement when I update my stories next which will be soon! Ok, Byebye for now.


@ BrightEyes303  I'nm so glad you're back :D !!!!


Happy Pride Month! Sorry I'm late. I'm so excited the last day of school, and this is my first pride month since I came out and I'm so glad I can celebrate freely. I'm gay and proud of it. Everyone should be proud of who they are. I hope that everyone is able to celebrate this joyful month together, even if it is just over the internet  
          Happy Pride Month! ️‍


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Let's see last update I posted was uhhhh oh! Almost two months ago. Huh well shit. So No I'm not dead but I might as well be. So real quick I just want to apologize for leaving you for a while, school has been kicking my ass. And writing chapters is fun but I have a bunch of ideas and trying to fit them all together is pretty hard. So I hope you understand I haven't forgot nor planning on giving up on this book, just need to figure some stuff out. So if you can bare with me a little longer then I'll be updating soon. 


Sooooo HEY! So like I said last time I've had a bit of writer's block. "Your Eyes" I'm sorry to say with take a break. BUTT!!(hehe butt :3) In the mean time I with be releasing a different AU that I had more luck writing. It's not finished yet, YET. I am finishing it so just bare with me. I hope you enjoy and I will come back to my first story once this one is done.