
Listen, hopefully you lot don’t utterly hate me for all the delays, I want this out as much as you do, but life is a bitch and I can’t do much about that.


Still ‘ere! Everything has slowed a bit and I’ll be away next week, I’ll also have to wait for the influx of new hermitcraft videos to slow down because that takes up a lot of my time, and I was an idiot who decided to start two other big projects at the same time. But maybe o can churn something out in the summer holidays soon.


Good news! I’m not dead yet, expect me to start research for the next section some time between now and the midpoint of next month. :)


@CoolioStarstache Living is very poggers.


@British_bread pog :D
            glad you’re okay


I feel slightly rubbish.


I have been ill as of late (I know, I’ll over December, how sad) and I am seeing family the coming weekend so expect some speedy research and quality but fast writing during Christmas week so it can be ready by Christmas Eve, or maybe Christmas Day, depends on if I do presents German style or not! :)