Hey there ; so here is a few things about me. I'm a 17 year old girl with a lot of passion and different ideas for writing ^.^  It's something I enjoy doing in my free time :* My first story is Beautiful Nightmare it's an ian somerhalder fanfiction. <3 Hope you'll check it out and leave me feedback on how can I improve my writing in the future. ! 

You know you love me
- BrokenPromises XOXO
  • DisneyLand.
  • SumaliMay 20, 2016


Huling Mensahe
BrokenPromises23 BrokenPromises23 May 22, 2016 07:20PM
Thank you for almost 60 reads on Beautiful Nightmare :') -XOXO
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Kuwento ni XOXO
Beautiful Nightmare. (Ian Somerhalder Fanfiction.)  ni BrokenPromises23
Beautiful Nightmare. (Ian Somerhal...
Hi, I'm Alexandra but my friend and family simply call me Alex. I have long brown slightly curly hair, brown...