
One last thing before I shut up though...
          	I'm thinking of adding One-shot stories. They'll be X Reader ones...
          	I'm new to those so please excuse my stupidity...
          	Lavellan out XP


Wait you like RvB


@coolkidchometa1 yeah, thats the stuff that keeps you up at night... I mean is there really a god out there? Whatching us? Or are we just the by product of some cosmic accedent (been way to long since I watched the first episode


But anyway...
          I know some people out there are having really bad times, but let me tell you something...
          Night gets darkest right before dawn, my lovelies. It'll pass. 
          You may be going through hardships, but if you need anything...
          A shoulder to cry on, someone to rant to, someone to help you through this...
          You can go message me anytime


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
I'm going to spill my guts out on here.
          If you don't want to sit and look at your screen and read for the next couple minutes,  don't bother being here and go read something else.
          I've done it! I've officially finished the school semester with everyone terrified of me....
          I hate my life, I hate dealing with other people.
          I have barely any friends now. I guess thats what you get when you yell at someone very dear to you....
          I hate everything. 
          All I do is fuck up, and make everyone around me scared that I'm going to hurt them. Now I have nobody...
          My best friends locked in a mental hospital, someone that feels like a brother cuts themself, my actual brother was murdered but nobodys doing a god damn thing to solve it.
          I only have my Internet friends with me, but who knows. 
          They come and go. Just like that. Just one second and they're gone.
          And you reader might be asking, "Why aren't you talking to someone else? Why go to me?"
          Well, let me fucking tell you why. I'd rather talk about my feelings on this app, to random people I've never met, than talk to my damn family or a counciler. Nobody in my family cares. My dad doesn't fucking know me, my mom just pats me on the back and says, "Its fine. Don't worry." My little sister won't shut her god damn mouth, and my older sister is broken. 
          And councilers won't fix anything. They'll just shove pills down my throat and say it'll help. But that doesn't change the fact that nobody loves me. It won't change the fact that no one cares. I'm always going to be a little monster that needs to be locked in a cage and left to rot. 
          So you can go ahead and read this, think I'm crazy, then just go on with your life. Like I was nothing. 
          But that just proves what I'm saying. No one cares. Nothing about my fucked up life is going to change. Nothing is ever going to change. 
          I'm done talking now. You can go do whatever you want now. You won't care anyway....


@Brook_Lavellan do you wanma be my friend ^^ well I'd love to be yours, talk if ya need me, kay!


Hello there. 
          Yes, I know in the U.S its around 12 to 2 in the morning. Yes I know I'm a terrible person for not writing. And yes, I know I suck. But now I'm done being horrible. All my free time goes to my stories. I'm planning on writing a few new ones I'll have only one chapter for them, then I'll focus on other ones. That sound good? Kay bye!!
          Horrible Lavellan out XP