I hate my English teacher! and when I say hate I mean it.
Why? because clearly she hates me, I have always been a fairly quiet, well behaved student, I do my work and thats it.
Today we were studying Macbeth, and while we were watching it she told us that we should take notes in our books, SO me being a good student started to take notes while watching, now bear in mind I was like the only one in the class who even bothered to take notes.
now while I was taking my notes the teacher PAUSED Macbeth and started to tell me of for not paying attention in front of the whole class and asked what I was writing, IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING! I told her I was taking notes and she said, “ARE YOU SURE!?“ so then I showed her the notes and she was like,
“Well next time pay attention“ Like bish wtf? I was taking notes! obviously I was paying attention! its so annoying because I love English and I actually really like most of my classmates, its just the teacher that makes me hate it, she is always doing stuff like this.
Anyways, RANT OVER :l