@GilinskyMendesDallas Aww that means so much! And yeah because not everything is caused by the boy in life... ik that from personal expierience... but we all get through it and move on in life and I think that's what makes my story unique... I incorperate some of my expieriences in life into my book
@GilinskyMendesDallas Aww that means so much! And yeah because not everything is caused by the boy in life... ik that from personal expierience... but we all get through it and move on in life and I think that's what makes my story unique... I incorperate some of my expieriences in life into my book
@GilinskyMendesDallas Yes I am acually great friends with her! ahaha ... finally someone caught that lol... If you hadn't noticed I'm also the Cassie in the Fuck It series