

Another interview is recorded for your reading pleasure.
            It's a very short conversation with the gentleman who owns the Thankless Tankard, that tavern outside which poor Cavin as found murdered.
            Our friend, the bard, currently only has one question for the man...


*** "was found murdered", not "as found murdered." My laptop has a sticky 'w' key which doesn't always work right....


After a month, the interviews with Patrol cast members are finally being posted.
            Instead of just adding it as an extra at the back of book 4, I decided to make it it's own "book" here, the way I did Family Ties.
          The first interview is posted! Come see what A'lei'iana Buccareth has to say. ^_^


P.S. Questions can still be submitted! Upcoming interviewees include K'landrin, Nanda, Sylvern, the owner of the Thankless Tankard.... Any member of the cast, dead or alive, main or barely seen, is fair game. ^_^


Okay, I finally made an actual writing move--I started the document "Enthralled by Emotion 2!" So it's official...I'm rewriting it with Lachi 2.0. Now the question is whether I can get enough of it rewritten so that I can just continue it by the time NaNoWriMo starts?


Haha, so far, no need. But thanks! Also, I don't know when you changed your profile pic and background pic, so I'm sure I'm ages behind, but they look really nice! Love them.


@AyndhriaSoung Yay!!! An actionable step!!! That's great news! Best of luck for NaNo prep. 
            Shall I send a ninja duck your way? ^_^


Happy Friday!
            It is update day, and I have exciting news regarding Patrol 4: Storm & Calm!
            Chapter 34, as well as the final bard's closing, are scheduled to post tonight!
            As you may guess, Chapter 34 is the final chapter of the book, as well as the series. I hope you enjoy the finale. It is scheduled to be posted at 8:45pm. Not sure what time zone.
            The final bard's farewell is scheduled to post at 9pm. Again, unknown timezone. (I'm not sure why they wouldn't let me schedule them for the same time?)
            The interviews with the cast will be posted at a later date. You still have time to submit your questions! ^_^
            Anyhow. Thanks for sticking out the journey with me. Hope you enjoyed the Patrol series. Happy reading, and happy writing.


Well, looks like they were posted...


So, it does appear chapter 31 posted as it was scheduled to. Good! (Wattpad also said it'd notify me when the chapter went live.... which it didn't. No big deal--I checked on it here directly.)
          Chapter 31 is nice and short.
          Despair is setting in. The darkness is almost complete.


Okay, I'm trying something new.
            I just "scheduled" Chapter 13 of Storm & Calm to post this Friday (8/9) at 6pm. (Not sure which timezone? My timezone? Whatever timezone the website is on?)
            We'll see if it works or not. I hope it does! Not sure I'll be around a computer to post it, if it doesn't.
            A reminder to readers as this story creeps closer to the finale.....
          I'm collecting questions to ask the characters as an "extra" at the end of the book! Pick any character you want! (Yes, even the random characters. For example, I wanna ask the owner of the "Thankless Tankard" how the pub got its name. Seems kinda cynical.) 
          If there's something you're dying to know about someone, submit your questions to my page here, noting who they're directed at, and I'll include it in the interviews at the end.
          Have a great weekend!


@SteveJBWO Any of the Patrol characters! I'm just doing it as an extra on book 4 since it is the last book in the series.


@CEBronk Interesting concept. Are the interviews to be from Storm and Calm, or any of the Patrol characters? (I haven't started S&C yet)


AAaannnndddd I need to proofread my posts before I hit "post" here. Supposed to say "31" not "13" for the chapter number. *sigh* I wish they had an "edit post" button for these things....