REPUBLISHED! my professor finally graded the assignment (i got a 99, if anyone is wondering LOL) and so here i am, republishing “Falling” as promised! honestly, it probably wouldn’t have mattered anyway because i had to rewrite it and change things around, but it’s better to be safe than it is to be sorry, so… anyway, here you go!!!


REPUBLISHED! my professor finally graded the assignment (i got a 99, if anyone is wondering LOL) and so here i am, republishing “Falling” as promised! honestly, it probably wouldn’t have mattered anyway because i had to rewrite it and change things around, but it’s better to be safe than it is to be sorry, so… anyway, here you go!!!


BRIEFLY un-publishing "Falling" because I used a section of the final chapter for an assignment and I don't want it to come up on the internet if my professor checks it for plagiarism LOL... therefore I am trying to avoid the awkward situation in which I have to prove that I wrote it. Posting this because while I'm not active anymore, I do still see people reading it and commenting on it, and I SWEAR I will publish it again in a few days -- Most likely even tomorrow!


@CHAMPAGNESTREET omg was gonna re read it!!


@CHAMPAGNESTREET good cuz I was gonna re read it


Hi sweetie, how are you, I hope you are feeling well. Sorry, but when you have time you can check the message I sent you by your dm, it's important. Sorry for the inconvenience caused on my part and have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night <33. ❤✨