new anon - nsfw themes ahead
          	decided to make a shy boy who is also the #1 best selling smut author!!
          	made 2.3.24 at 10:25 am


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀huh?  oh.  found him, this. 


@fangsbled †
              [   he chuckled, leaning against the alley wall . The star that seemed to be ' painted on ' was almost .. glowing under the moonlight.   ]
              " is it obvious that I'm not ? "


⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀lips pull into a carefree grin,  as he crouches down,    "call the police?  nah.  they won’t do anything.   you’re not from around here,  aren’t you?"


@fangsbled †
                [   he blinked , his eyes narrowing .   ]
              " you found him ... dead.. and you're just staring 
            at him ? why not call the police . "


that's certainly an . . interesting makeup look . . 


• she shook her head at the offer , frowning a bit • i prefer doing things alone . 


@-iichordrips- †
               " .. I guess I can forgive you . Only cuz' you got a pretty face . whatcha doing out here all alone ? "
            [ He pulled cigarettes from his vest, pulling one from the pack, then holding it over to the other offering to give him one. ]


oh ? . . my apologies , then . . 


the whole clown get up is actually pretty hot in my opinion. you work at a circus or just overly dedicated to the aesthetic?


 #ID: @CL0WNCARD- ...
            [ he blinked when he heard the word "adorable" then put on a smirk and hummed softly ] "I work at a strip club so I'm always drinking." 


                " Oh ? how adorable .. Izzy. That's a beautiful 
            name for a beautiful guy. do you often go out for drinks ? "


 #ID: @CL0WNCARD- ...
            [ he looked up at the other and smirked ] "i like that idea. nice to meet you, mika. i'm izzy. but you can call me anything you want..." 


“.. I think that mine…” they gestured to the iced latte In the stranger’s hand, their free hand resting on their hip


            “Yep. My name is satin, so they do sound really similar.” They looked over at him with a soft smile,”this happens a lot to me honestly.” 


@satinic- //
                 " ah! maybe we do? My name is Soren. is that similar? "   he would ask, glancing at the floor to avoid eye contact. God, he was wishing he didn't make that stupid mistake -


“Oh it’s fine, don’t worry about it.” They smiled softly, tossing back their hair with a swish of their head before taking the cup, making sure their name was on it. It was. “Maybe we have similar sounding names”


ah--   i'll  be  there  in  a  second..   [  setting down a freshly baked cake in the back, he removed both oven mitts before rounding the corner. to his surprise, the man there wasn't what he expected.  ]   ..  welcome!  


               [  grabbing three plates along with three rolls of silverware, he set them down and began to plate each dessert. first the strawberry cake, then the coffee cake, and finally the black forest gâteau. all were sat on the counter as he rang them up, offering a kind smile.  ]   twelve  dollars  exactly,  and  thank  you.  i  hope  my  food  matches  the  appeal  of  the  bakery  itself.  
            /  oooo
            i wonder how their dynamic is gonna be :3


@thiccow — giggle, I’m back hi //
               ( a       small       hum       fell       from       his       lips ,      chocolate       and       cherries       sound       really       good .       He       set       his daughter       down       on       the       tiled       floor .       She       ran       off       to       go       find       a       table       with       the       older       boy       following       after       her . )
             :      ‘ here is fine , thank you . It’s our first time 
            here — my daughter picked out
             the place , it looks very nice . ‘     :
            // very serious , very sarcastic, will punch you in the face if you annoy him


               [  aliz took a mental note of his appearance. tattoos weren't common where he grew up, at least not in the area. this place however was much different, leading him to encounter and get to know all sorts of different people. it was nice.  ]   strawberry  cake,  coffee  cake,  and..  i'm  thinking  a  black  forest  gâteau  for  you.  chocolate  and  cherries  are  always  a  good  combination.   [  writing the order down on a pad of paper, he went back into the kitchen.  ]   for  here  or  to  go,  sir?  
            /  awwwww 
            what's he like when not with his kids ? :0