Everything in this world has a reason. We live for a reason. We got angry for reason. We get depress for a reason. We get stress for a reason. We hunger for a reason. And especially we love for a reason.
—K. S. N.
  • InscritNovember 23, 2014

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COOKYO07 COOKYO07 Jul 26, 2021 02:34AM
New chapter is up for Summer in Seoul ^.^ 
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Histoires par @COOKYO07
서울의 여름 (Summer In Seoul) par COOKYO07
서울의 여름 (Summer In Seoul)
On one night in the summer, Ji Eun Lee, a descent Indonesian-Korean girl, got involve in contract with Jung K...
ranking #324 dans la catégorie dramionefanfiction Voir tous les classements
런던의 봄 Spring in London par COOKYO07
런던의 봄 Spring in London
Because of the incident that happened 2 years ago, Lee Ji Eun is very cautious towards all men. She never fee...
ranking #111 dans la catégorie iusinger Voir tous les classements
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