Well, I am a college student that is studying English and likes to write. Immensely. Whether it's a paper for my English class, some short story I am working on, or just doodling my thoughts and feelings into a journal, I find a personal sense of joy from dragging my pencil across a paper or pounding away on my computer keyboard. I also love to read, some of my favorite series being James Patterson's Alex Cross thrillers, George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels, and J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. 

Here I'll be posting short stories, chapters from a book that I am currently working on, and other things I may have written. I'll try to post material at least once a week, but I cannot guarantee a concise posting schedule as I have other outside responsibilities as well.

I hope you enjoy my work. Praise and/or constructive criticism is welcomed, but hate WILL NOT be tolerated. In addition, please do not try to steal my work and claim it as your own, because if you do, I WILL find out, and I will come and hunt you down. :)
  • My Local Library
  • انضمJune 1, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
CaitlinWilliams20 CaitlinWilliams20 Jun 01, 2015 02:03AM
Hello everyone! I'll try to have some of my work up soon. I'm new to this website so I'm still trying to get the hang of how this works lol.
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