
Hello everyone,  sorry it's been a while since I last posted or wrote a story. The past couple of years have just been ultimately crazy for me, but I'm starting to look back and read over some of my published works. I'm considering doing complete rewrites of all of my stories now that I'm getting my love for reading and writing back again. So, don't be too alarmed if my stories disappear temporarily during each rewrite. I will do them one at a time so that there's still some content, and I'll be starting with my oldest work and moving thru to my newest works. I'm so glad I was able to write stories you all enjoyed, but I want to make them better by smoothing out the story lines and fixing some plot holes. There is a major possibility that my stories get deleted momentarily in the process, and if that does happen, I sincerely apologize. I hope to make my stories better so they can be better understood and less cringey. Thank you all for reading and being awesome followers!
          	- Wasabi


Hello everyone,  sorry it's been a while since I last posted or wrote a story. The past couple of years have just been ultimately crazy for me, but I'm starting to look back and read over some of my published works. I'm considering doing complete rewrites of all of my stories now that I'm getting my love for reading and writing back again. So, don't be too alarmed if my stories disappear temporarily during each rewrite. I will do them one at a time so that there's still some content, and I'll be starting with my oldest work and moving thru to my newest works. I'm so glad I was able to write stories you all enjoyed, but I want to make them better by smoothing out the story lines and fixing some plot holes. There is a major possibility that my stories get deleted momentarily in the process, and if that does happen, I sincerely apologize. I hope to make my stories better so they can be better understood and less cringey. Thank you all for reading and being awesome followers!
          - Wasabi


Hello, my lovely readers! I just finished editing Candied Heart! I changed it from first person to third person to make it flow, and I also went through and fixed most if not all of my writing errors. Thank you all for reading!


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So... I just figured out that the original story plan for the Aizawa fanfiction had wayyyy too many holes and wasn't fleshed out very well. So I just trashed about 10 chapters of progress because none of it was piecing together right. Plus I kept bouncing between first and third person so it was an absolute shit show. Sorry guys, it'll be a bit longer before Aizawa x reader is posted.


I am currently debating on whether or not I should edit Candied heart to be all in third person pov. I feel like Midnight Balad turned out so much better with it being strictly in third person. I know that I rushed a bit more with Candied heart, mainly because I wanted to give you the rest of the story, but I didn't plan it out as thoroughly as I did with Midnight Balad. Let me know your thoughts, I'd love to gain an extra set of eyes and opinions on my writing!


@Lil-Gay-Flower You're gonna make me cry! I'll try to write faster so I don't keep you and any other wonderful readers waiting!  


@SimpinforRedheads you are totally fine with promoting your books to me—also did a read…AIZAWA??? Oh my gosh so excited for that too!


@Lil-Gay-Flower, I'm so glad you loved it! I am halfway through writing an Aizawa fanfiction, and I think when I'm done, I'll put Candied Heart under construction. Also, if you are a Bakugo fan, I published Midnight Balad yesterday, and it is entirely in third person. I'm sorry if it seems like I am promoting my own work, I'm just super stoked to have someone who is enjoying my writing. 


Come one, come all! Midnight Balad- Katsuki Bakugo x Reader has been finished and fully published! After spending the last week busting out chapter after chapter and finishing off any extra editing the last few hours, I have the overwhelming joy of annoucing its arrival! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on how it is! I decided to take on a third-person approach to the story, and I LOVED writing it. I personally feel like this one was much easier than the previous two fics I wrote. Thank you all for reading! 


Hello everyone! I just wanted to give you guys an update. I just changed my username and profile pics. Also I ran into an issue with the All Might story. The draft I had on my computer got corrupted somehow, so I am having to strat from scratch since I can't remember every little detail. In the meantime I am halfway through an Aizawa x reader. I plan to have it written out fully and published by October as long as I don't hit any road blocks. Thank you all for your support! I hope to write more stories you all will love too! 


Just an update on the stories I am working on. The All might story is almost completed. I will start posting the chapters sometime next month as long as everything goes according to plan. I had a few requests about doing FFs for characters from one piece. Eustass Kid and Trafalgar Law were the most asked, I have the idea written down, and I will start making the draft chapters after I start publishing the All Might story. The story will be for both Kid and Law, I will make two alternate endings for each character. I was asked to do both and my mind thought "why not make it a love triangle?" Some people have asked for other My Hero characters, but due to how many other requests I have, I will write down the characters names and what fandoms and start brainstorming ideas later. Thank you so much for your support! I do apologize for the long wait on the next story. I aim to work faster in the future! 


Hello my lovely readers, I wanted to give you guys an update on the story ideas I have been coming up with. I haven't published anything else yet because I am trying to give myself a few chapters for each story to fall back on in case if I'm not able to write for a few weeks. I have about three chapters for the All Might story, but I am still writing at least two or three more before I release the first chapter. And I still need to go over the chapters I have written to be sure its ready to go.


Hey everyone, just a reminder that Candied Heart is coming to a close soon. I am thinking about holding off on writing another Fatgum x reader. I have been writing out drafts for other stories and I am considering doing an All Might x Reader next. Please tell me what you guys think by leaving a comment or sending me a PM. Thank you so much for reading!