
Thanks everyone for 500 reads on A Touch of Death!! I never really thought I’d get many reads, so this is a big milestone for me.


OKAY *cracks knuckles*
          Today I’m going to see if I can get Lightning Forged into some kind of feasible something. It’s been undergoing serious edits and I’m sort of tired of it just… sitting there? It’s both done and not done right now, and that bothers me.


Ooooookay, here’s the plan for updates!
          I’m still working through Lightning Forged like the little engine that could. It’s more of a personal pet project that I want to post because it’s the first novel I ever completed a full draft of, but it will kind of get done when it gets done.
          I’m close to finishing editing on Blood Bargain, and then I plan to add an epilogue.
          What’s up next? Blood Marriage, first of all. I may also, depending on how editing goes with Lightning Forged, begin posting a fantasy circus novel, but I’d really like to finish up at least a pre-copy-edit version of Lightning Forged before too many new things go up.


The process of Blood Bargain editing has begun!! Starting today, I am going back through chapters in anticipation of preparing a nice, cleaned version for the Wattys later this year.
          After the edits have finished, I’m also planning to add an epilogue that will help transition into Blood Marriage, the second book. Blood Marriage is Alice’s story of her entanglement with the Shadow Fae, and it is currently in progress and available as an early access subscription on my Inkitt page.