To whom it may concern I'm a lover not a fighter. A kisser yet a hugger, A laugher not a giggler, A believer not a dreamer.

To whom it may concern I'm serious yet calm. Clumsy and goofy, trustful and truthful, loving and careful, Intelligent and slow.

To whom it may concern I'm sorrowful yet cheerful, Forgiving and forgetful, understanding and helpful, cruel yet unusual.

To whom it may concern I'm Camrain Lynette Henry
  • In Your Dreams
  • Se ha unidoJanuary 5, 2012

Historias de CammyCamz
A Suicide Letter de CammyCamz
A Suicide Letter
I wrote this poem because i have a friend who said they thought about suicide... And it got me writing The...
Mommy Mom Mother de CammyCamz
Mommy Mom Mother
Over the years how do you observe you mother is it the same as you were when you were a toddler, how about wh...
What do you see? de CammyCamz
What do you see?
When you observe someone WHAT DO YOU SEE? Is what you see the truth or is it mask? Do you believe the mask yo...
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