
Not writing related at all ... but DEEPLY considering a head tattoo for the shaved area of my mohawk. Stuck between northern lights and flowers. uff da.


Hello, hello! I would like to apologize for my absence ... I've been trying to drag myself out of a funk for a long time - to be able to focus on my writing or my art or my .. anything really. It's been a rough couple of years, frankly. 
          And though many of the things that I have been needing resolution on have not come to a head - and have not come anywhere close to resolution, I am pushing myself to get back to the things that kept me sane. 
          Like my writing. And my art. And my short-distance travels in the great white North. 
          Well ... I can't do the art because I can't show it in person. I can't do the travel because I am 100% being forced into becoming Logan and working on my Jeep endlessly. But ... I can still write. 
          I can't promise that I'll have updates as frequently as you or I would like, but I would desperately like to finish V4 of my 906 universe. I would also like to put up other stories here, too, but I don't know if I have enough interest from my followers and others to take the time to make it work right on this site when I'm already using FFN and AO3. 
          So ... drop a note, review, comment, say HEY. something, or I can't see much reason to keep throwing these stories out into the ether.  
          What do you want to see? Do you have a prompt for me? Questions? I'm here, my friends. Hit me up.


@CanuckleheadCowgirl omg please finish your wolvie stories i read them like a million times!! whatever youre going through i wish you the best!!!!


It is HEARTBREAKING how hard Sveirge is being hit - but I am (sadly) only Svenska by heritage. Hi. I'm an American. <3 Just really proud of my Scandinavian roots. Hope you are healthy and safe, my friend!


Take all the time you need and don’t stress Enjoy life to the fullest, especially with how things are now in the world. I’m so sorry about how bad it is in Sverige, you are our neighboors so we worry! Hope it gets better❤️


I just wanna say that you deserve millions of followers and readers, i LOVE your stories and your OC, K Skogheim❤️ I’m Norwegian so it’s nice to see that we scandinavians get included in the fanfic world! What I love most is that you write comic Logan, not movie Logan. It’s so hard to find stories that use short comic Logan instead of Hugh Jackman movie Logan, and I finally found it when I found your writing and stories. You deserve all the love and so much more❤️❤️❤️Keep on being awsome!!!


@pedernille  OH HI! Thanks! I'm so glad you're enjoying them! I am currently (slowly) working on the next volume of this series that bridges the gap I left between baby ferals and teenagers, but jeeez. My brain is so not functioning. 
            I am SO glad to hear from another Scandinavian! Sverige forever! (though I have a bit of Norse in there, too.) 
            I'm even MORE happy to hear you love the comic version too. There are far too many people that were intro'd to Eew Jackman - and I know I'm in the minority who cannot stand the man in that role. I like him ... I just hate what he's perpetuated against my sweet snuggly lil fuzz face. <3 Thank you for the kind words <3 <3 I'll get back to editing ASAP.


when will you update the story of wolvie and k?


yess!! i love you!!


@TAENGTAENA As soon as I get a chance to sit down without interruption, I'll put up what I have of the next volume. I've been overhauling and re-editing a lot of what I have for that universe, and decided it needed a whole volume in the middle of it, so I'm trying to finish that story up before I post the *new* volume. (then there are like ... 3 or 4 that follow the new one) So HOPEFULLY soon.


I have been flat out STRUGGLING to even function lately and I think I finally have it figured out. 
           I NEED to go north. I've already decided, too. If my finances allow, I'm throwin' the tent in the back of the jeep tomorrow after classes and heading for the Keeweenaw. I need to reconnect with home, and that .... is on the rocky part of the upper peninsula.


hypothetically - how would one go about co-authoring with someone here for full credit on both sides?


Nice! I really think out of all the platforms, Ao3 is my favorite just for the co-author option. :D Our tennis match worked pretty good on FFN though. gave both of our other stories some extra exposure ... sharing reviewers ... that kind of thing.


@CanuckleheadCowgirl I made an entire new account my one of my co-authors and we just both operate it. It was the simplest way for me.


gotcha. Prolly what we'll have to do. (@robbiepoo2341 just got on here and we're considering putting the 714 up here, too. We'll just back and forth like we did on ffn and take turns tagging. WOO HOO)


Didn't mean to unfollow you, but glad I then followed you again... Like three times? Lol


@Silmarilz1701 well the good thing about it is that you got me to remember my password? and then it did the same stupid thing to me - but not three times. I clicked on your name to see your profile and unfollowed and I just kinda went .. . what the hell ... NO.


Much Love to Silmarilz1701 for reminding me by virtue of saying hello - that my stories here are wildly out of date. 
          Surprise For A Feral has now gone an entire overhaul - and I updated every chapter tonight. Some (most) chapters in this work have gained length by half- more detail, more fun!