@Caped-Sensei-Saitama I used to have a constant dream where 3 balls with faces on them, each a different color(green, red, orange) sat on an ANTI AIR gun and were firing at something I couldn't see. I would always have to climg up a hill which reminded me a lot of mario 64 bombomb valley or whatever its called before you fight the main boss. Anyways, I would always climb to the top and be met with them laughing hysterically while firing into the air. Eventually, after a couple of years, I finally got to see what they were shooting at, except this time they weren't laughing. They always laughed and it scared me when they did but when they didn't laugh, it scared me far more than I thought possible. I finally saw what they were shooting at. A huge growing darkness in the sky with no discernable features. I couldn't tell if it was a thing or a cloud, mist, whatever it was but it sucked in everything around it. Like it distorted everything just by existing. I looked at the 3 balls and they stared at me with a piercing glare. Then they just began to chant "WAKE UP" over and over and over and over again. Eventually, the giant mass in the sky descended but before it could reach me, the 3 balls hit me off the top of the hill and just watched me fall before they were just swallowed. I never had the dream again but it was a recurring dream. It scared me because I never figured out what it meant.