
With every breath Hawkins muscles relaxed a little more, the nicks and bruises he had collectively gathered over the last few hours sealed over with the heat of his Fire Trait. He glanced over at the group and then towards the strange, burning Triad weaving its way through the Mound and settled on Cull’s lap, the weight of his fatigue was far less than he had initially thought. Until his eyes met Odi’s and finally he understood.
          	Cull’s Trait wasn’t powered by anger. It was empathy. 
          	A protective ember that burrowed itself deep within the ground, barely noticeable like a crackling campfire in a maelstrom or a single candle in an expansive darkness. It had been mistaken for a raging inferno, a stifling desert Caldorian wind, a dangerous thing to avoid just as his own flame had been. 
          	But much like Hawkins’ own Trait, his latent ability to heal along with his self worth restricting everything…he regretted ever placing the once brutish Enforcer in the same box. Like constantly holding a burning torch with his bare hands Cull felt so much, so often that everything felt…frustratingly angry all the time. Cull's anger didn’t feel so…bad. It just felt…like a lot for one person.
          	Gahhh! SO glad to get this one out. I did update AotF in May so I'm still keeping to monthly updates but this chapter was SO draining I'm just glad I can move on with it. Can't promise more updates for AotF as much as I enjoyed my time with it but motivation is always fun times so...we'll see. 


With every breath Hawkins muscles relaxed a little more, the nicks and bruises he had collectively gathered over the last few hours sealed over with the heat of his Fire Trait. He glanced over at the group and then towards the strange, burning Triad weaving its way through the Mound and settled on Cull’s lap, the weight of his fatigue was far less than he had initially thought. Until his eyes met Odi’s and finally he understood.
          Cull’s Trait wasn’t powered by anger. It was empathy. 
          A protective ember that burrowed itself deep within the ground, barely noticeable like a crackling campfire in a maelstrom or a single candle in an expansive darkness. It had been mistaken for a raging inferno, a stifling desert Caldorian wind, a dangerous thing to avoid just as his own flame had been. 
          But much like Hawkins’ own Trait, his latent ability to heal along with his self worth restricting everything…he regretted ever placing the once brutish Enforcer in the same box. Like constantly holding a burning torch with his bare hands Cull felt so much, so often that everything felt…frustratingly angry all the time. Cull's anger didn’t feel so…bad. It just felt…like a lot for one person.
          Gahhh! SO glad to get this one out. I did update AotF in May so I'm still keeping to monthly updates but this chapter was SO draining I'm just glad I can move on with it. Can't promise more updates for AotF as much as I enjoyed my time with it but motivation is always fun times so...we'll see. 


Chucking this extra long chapter break thing that I wish had been done last week but chronic pain for two weeks into a three day migraine tends to delay things a LOT. Three days left. Imma aim to at least hit the 20k goal. Round 3 be damned.


Welp. There are only 10 DAYS left before the end of the ONC and I've got a good 6k left to wrap up before the 20k mark. This time last year I wrote 10k in a week so (hopefully) it won't be the same this year. Endings are paramount especially in murder mysteries. 
          As an additional note, THANK YOU to everyone who's been reading NR on the sly (I do see those votes) since we've officially hit 90k which is astounding. Hopefully I won't get as much burnout this time around to keep working on those montly updates.


A minor update more for myself than anything else but look. Oooh. Sticker. What's that doing there?
          Incredibly, I woke up this morning (afternoon) to find AOTF had won an Ambassador's Pick for Round 1! Isn't it pretty!
          Jokes aside, I'm completely floored by the response after arriving just back from holiday sick with a cold. But this does certainly put some motivation to get back to reaching Round 2. Just let me get through this cold first.


Phew! What a day. We love a good flare up on a deadline forcing me to write. Regardless, its up and running. I won't go through the usual ONC speech but here's a summary:
          The bartender of life and death WAS once a kind ear but needs to resolve a murder between her human(ish) mages who turn to ash when they die and the seemingly immortal elves. Despite her reluctance, others hopes she will find her kindess in the hardest of times.
          It's a Knives Out esque murder mystery with a fun fantasy mechanic thrown in and if you know NR as much as I do it'll be a fun ride. I'm away on holidays when Round 1 results are out so do forgive me if I'm late to the party, I'll have WiFi but I can't promise I'll have arms by the end of it. :L
          P.S. Sorry the cover sucks.


Hope 2024 has been good to you so far Cap. Wishing you well. <3 


@threematches That's a mood. My PM's are always open if you need to vent about health. ^^ Thanks. 


@CaptainSarcastic101 ah thank you! doing okay all things considered :) been a hell of a year to start health wise but knocking on wood things stay quiet for awhile. i hope your flareups settle soon and grant you some restful time as pain free as possible... <3   


@threematches Awww thanks. You too. <3 Been having a rough bout of disability flare ups so no writing for me til they settle. How's you?


this message may be offensive
Oh fuck her. 
          Fuck her and her stupid hat.
          Nivara wanted nothing more than to shove it up the overly pretentious necromancers arse. And not in a good way. This pair of egotistical, self centred, complete and utter arseholes were so attached to the fantastical idea of a Keeper of Trait they wanted nothing more than to stomp on everyone else who would dare say they weren’t. Kirai had trained his apprentices well. No wonder Aidari didn’t trust him. It hurt to know that trusting people like Anirri had gotten her family killed.
          Welp. My goal for NaNoWriMo was to finish a chapter and we've done it with a day to spare. No idea whether I'll get one done for Christmas but hopefully this'll keep ya ticking over til then.
          This one's a BIG lore dump so strap yourselves in.


The familiar pillars of the Halls of Mediation had toppled to the ground in a perfect cross, the gravel mixing the fallen with every step they took. Hawkins wanted to vomit, but the clinging, pale hand on his sleeve forced him to remain a pillar of strength despite everything the Enforcers had unknowingly done to help cause this. 
          This was all because of him. He had the black grimoire: Memoriam. None of this would have happened without that stupid-
          Mantis’ strangled cry broke Hawkins out of his hollow grief, half dragging the missing twin towards the murky pile of ashes that reached their knees. She had already reached the faint outline of a dim amber lantern, desperately digging out the soot covered frame of a young woman clinging to a child much like a mother would.
          Welp. NaNo is upon us once again and here we are trying to wrap up this behemoth of a story. Regardless, I'm still getting sick on a weekly basis and I've a family wedding to go to at the end of the month. 50k is not really an option for me but hopefully, I'll be motivated to write a little more than I normally do.


The Surge forced her to remain in her seat, its electric hold over her churning into a cloying mix of hot and cold chills that rendered her body so weak she could barely keep her eyes open. Her breath hitched, the miniscule, hypnotic flame startling her far more than any banned profession, her mind frozen in place just as much as her bones. 
          A single step. That’s all it took to change the temperature. 
          Welp. This one took a LONG time but its finally up. Grief is dumb and disability is worse but it was worth the writers block to perfect that opening. I'm really proud of it and helped flesh out one of the main antagonists and Nivara's family tree. 