IMPORTANT NOTICE: YOU, MY FOLLOWERS, WILL BE THE DECIDING FACTOR FOR WHERE BOTH THIS ACCOUNT, AS WELL AS MY WRITING, GOES FROM HERE- But first: An apology to all those whom I failed and let down by not finishing NovaTale (despite wanting to). With that said however, my page will now go one of two ways- AND IT'S UP TO YOU ON WHICH ROUTE I TAKE. A: I can finish NovaTale, finally giving it the conclusion it should have had long ago. OR I can begin anew with a story that has been nagging at me for quite some time. Title: "Just Like Old Times" A Mass Effect fanfiction, taking place after the events of both the "Destroy" ending of ME3, picking up after the Teaser trailer for ME4. Another thing to keep in mind that this will also be a love story between Shepard and Garrus. Please comment and let me know your thoughts. I would appreciate it. ♡♡♡

I would love to see Novatale finished but it's up to you, do what makes you happy :3

@Captain_Backfire I agree with @Pharacosm. Definitely start anew. I believe with fresh eyes comes new ideas and concepts. Maybe by starting "Just Like Old Times" you might get some ideas for "NovaTale" later down the line. We can all wait for it to be completed later down the line or even accept that it won't be completed and be glad it even came into existence. We want you to write and have fun doing it. We'll stick by you for you, not just your writing, no matter what. Write what you love, not what others say.