
Heading off line - if you are planning on following the "Simple Exchange" guidelines, I'll follow through after my math exam tomorrow morning. Sheesh, when they have a whole day to schedule the Math exams, they pick 8:00 AM...unreasonable administrations. #prepschoolproblems :D


A new favorite quote that illustrates exactly how I feel about what I write, especially in school...
          "[My writings are good] as far as they go...but they go such a little way. They aren't important enough, somehow. I feel I could do something much more important. Yes, and more intense, more violent...[but] how can one be violent about the things one's supposed to write about?" (Aldous Huxley, "Brave New World")


Creepy as...So I know that those of you who have read 'The Sound' don't really understand the accident that John, Kate, Susan, and her partner are in yet, but I know what happened, and yesterday Abe (my sailing partner) and I were in a regatta and we tried a new kind of boat and capsized and I ended up in a similar situation to what I've got planned (and made some reference to) for Kate and John, and thought that Abe might be in the same situation as Susan and it was probably the most terrifying several minutes of my whole entire life. Sometimes I pity my characters and worry about myself...