
Everyone! I'm back from my long-ass hiatus. I want to inform you that I've added an installment to the "Big Time Adoption" series. It is set in the future after Adele has grown up. It is NOT completed, and I am not one hudred percent sure I'm going to finish it, but I felt as if I owed you all something. So, thank you so much for all the prior years of support. It meant so much to me at the time, and it still does. Because of you, I felt inspired to continue writing.


Everyone! I'm back from my long-ass hiatus. I want to inform you that I've added an installment to the "Big Time Adoption" series. It is set in the future after Adele has grown up. It is NOT completed, and I am not one hudred percent sure I'm going to finish it, but I felt as if I owed you all something. So, thank you so much for all the prior years of support. It meant so much to me at the time, and it still does. Because of you, I felt inspired to continue writing.


Hello my loves, 
          I am hoping to get more views on my stories and am looking for anyone who has the software to make a trailer for one/all of them. I will follow anyone who makes one I use and also vote on one of their stories of their choice. Please privately message me if you're interested in working together. 
          xx Carolyn


Twihards-I know you're still out there!! If you ever read "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" novela PM me or email me: and help me out with a co-writing project I started a few years ago. It's a continuation of the book if Bree didn't die. 
          Thanks lovies, 
          xx Carolyn