
I HAVE 1,000 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS TO MY FIRST THREE FOLLOWERS: @surrattc @hello_its_courtney @surrattb


@CarsonHeineOfficial You're welcome! Your book is a huge hit! Congratulations. :)


In case you have short term memory, my book is better than Jon's. We are #426 in Humor. I know, this book is hilarious. It is also hard to write, but I do it for you guys. If I get a message from you saying," You are so cool and you are the best" I will have my friends read and comment and vote on your books. If you have no books, I will earn you followers. One more thing, my book is better than @Jon_Weiks. #KoolKidKarson <----- Get that trending


For all of those wondering, I am the real Carson Heine. I'm just clearing that up, because I know I have a lot of fanboys and wannabes , but this one is the REAL Carson Heine. Also, my friend #BenDover is going through some rough times, so if you could send me get well messages I could show to him that would be great. #JonWeiks book doesn't compare to mine. #DaBest #alwayshaveandalwayswillbenumberone #twentythreefollowers #eightfollowing #jimmy #russell #chris @Carson_Heine7 Official Twitter. @PokemonPlayer official Kik. @IwannabejustlikemystepdadwhenIgrowup Official Facebook. @Floorboards&RedBlueberries Official MySpace. #sorry4sendingthisoutlate #loljkIdowhatIwant #myfollowersarebetterthaneveryoneelse's #eminem #getthistrending #callitof #makingtheteam #putmeincoach #gators # CanadiansRthebest #hometowntoranto #thanksforreading #thanksforvotingandcommenting