I'm not trying to be rude and I hope this doesn't turn into a huge thing but I just wanted to comment on the fact that you told my friend that she didn't know what anxiety was like and when she told you she had anxiety as well you told her to have an anxiety attack
You can do whatever you want but I personally think that's not okay, yes so many people in the world have anxiety, I'm one of them my self, so I know from experience (and I'm sure you do too) that anxiety attacks are not enjoyable at all
I don't think anyone should wish an anxiety attack on someone else because you wouldn't want someone to wish that upon you/have one yourself
On another note you called my friend immature because she put that she has anxiety in her bio
I personally think that was un called for, she just not ashamed that she has anxiety and I'm not saying that you are I just think that calling her immature just because she's not ashamed wasn't the right thing to do
I just felt that I needed to share my opinion on this subject because of my friend's and my personal feelings
I hope you have a good morning/day/evening/night depending on what time zone you live in :)