*giggles and kicks feet excitedly* I just got a response from an author, that wrote a springtrap x reader called frightengly intriguing on ao3 okay and like- they haven't updated in a while. And it's such a good story and I crave more of it. But anyways they haven't been active with it and I sent them a message okay, and they confirmed that they still plan to continue it, hopefully even this year- but even more than that they said I could in fact write a fic inspired by theirs- like heavily inspired- and omg. I'm excited.
In their fic, springtrap doesn't just seem like springtrap there's a depth to him and it feels like William as well. To an extent. The y/n kinda annoys me at times, but it's still a good read. I highly recommend. Like 10/10.
Imma just fangirl some more.