
There’s no easy way to say this. What I’m about to tell you is something that happened only 12 hours ago. I will say now though, that this will not stop my writing. It might slow it down, but it won’t stop it.
          	I don’t know I shared with all of you that I have a bunny. I got her on November 3rd. Her name is Silvie and she is easily the most special bunny that I have ever known. Both in a good way and in a bad way.
          	She puts her head down to ask for pats when you put your hand in front of her and gets super excited over food. She hates other animals but loves people.
          	There is so much more that I could say about her personality, but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to tell you that Silvie has been sick for the past two weeks or so. We couldn’t bring her to the vet because we couldn’t afford to right away, so we waited a bit.
          	The plan was to bring her to the vet when the paycheck for this week came out, since then we would have enough money to potentially afford the vet bill. None of us were too worried about waiting a few more days because we had observed enough to believe that she seemed fine.
          	Well, last night my mom came to me to tell me that Silvie had just died. My precious little bun crossed the rainbow bridge when none of us even knew that she was that sick.
          	Last night was easily the worst night of my entire life. It hurts way more knowing that she was only two and a half years old and bunnies live to an average of nine years old.
          	It hurt knowing that we could have had so much more time if we had just been able to afford going to the vet as soon as we noticed that she was sick.
          	It just hurts like hell right now knowing that I’ll never see her again. Both me and my brother have gone a little crazy trying to create something to keep her memory alive forever.
          	It’s at times like these where I wish my skills were in drawing and not writing, because then I could make something by hand to remember her.


There’s no easy way to say this. What I’m about to tell you is something that happened only 12 hours ago. I will say now though, that this will not stop my writing. It might slow it down, but it won’t stop it.
          I don’t know I shared with all of you that I have a bunny. I got her on November 3rd. Her name is Silvie and she is easily the most special bunny that I have ever known. Both in a good way and in a bad way.
          She puts her head down to ask for pats when you put your hand in front of her and gets super excited over food. She hates other animals but loves people.
          There is so much more that I could say about her personality, but that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to tell you that Silvie has been sick for the past two weeks or so. We couldn’t bring her to the vet because we couldn’t afford to right away, so we waited a bit.
          The plan was to bring her to the vet when the paycheck for this week came out, since then we would have enough money to potentially afford the vet bill. None of us were too worried about waiting a few more days because we had observed enough to believe that she seemed fine.
          Well, last night my mom came to me to tell me that Silvie had just died. My precious little bun crossed the rainbow bridge when none of us even knew that she was that sick.
          Last night was easily the worst night of my entire life. It hurts way more knowing that she was only two and a half years old and bunnies live to an average of nine years old.
          It hurt knowing that we could have had so much more time if we had just been able to afford going to the vet as soon as we noticed that she was sick.
          It just hurts like hell right now knowing that I’ll never see her again. Both me and my brother have gone a little crazy trying to create something to keep her memory alive forever.
          It’s at times like these where I wish my skills were in drawing and not writing, because then I could make something by hand to remember her.


I’m back everyone! If you haven’t already noticed I have published a new book! Sorry for being gone for so long, I don’t have an excuse. Just a lack of motivation for so long.
          Either way, I’m back to writing, but I’m done with specific content. Also, I’m only working on my newest book for now. Working my way back up to more than just that story.


I haven’t gotten much inspiration in story writing and I have a lot that I need to do. The only form of writing that I’ve had inspiration for is poetry, but I need to write that due to school assignments since one of my teachers is accepting it as extra credit and that is a class that I desperately need that since it’s a subject that I have very little interest in and wasn’t informed until much later that there was a specific way that I had to submit the work or else I wouldn’t get any credit for it. So I have work that I need to make up, poems to write for a bit of extra credit, and goals to meet. I will try to see if I can find the inspiration to write once I don’t have to worry about school anymore, which will be very soon since I am a Senior in high school and this is my last year. I can’t make any promises but I will try to write another chapter in the interactive stories in the future.