
Typical state of mind: *high school musical 3 angsty voice* 
          	don't panic. 


Hello Peoples! 
          WARNING: This is an update on a story of mine, if you don't care, i totally get it. Feel free to skip if you so desire.
          So a long long time ago I said id put up my camp nanowrimo, Lip Virgin. Well as it turns up that manuscript is rather immaturely written. I've gotten REALLY attached to this story and I think it has actual potential but not as it was and not in the blurb I posted. So I've started a new manuscript on it after writing over 50K on the first draft.  Evidently, I have a long ways to go before it will ever be posted on wattpad, if it ever does. It's my dream to get published and I should really dedicate my time to writing this book out and not worrying about it's presence on wattpad. 
          So maybe someday I'll post LV on here but it's really a part of me. 


I percabeth The Book Thief, all of John Green books, TFIOS,The Hunger Games, Divergent.( you should really read all of the books they are amazing) Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, The Titanic( I love history) Little House on the Prairie, and so much more I got really excited when I sall all the books you like. I am excited for the Paper Towns movie that's coming out tomorrow. I hope they don't mess them up like they did with the Percy Jackson movies. So glad you like a lot of the same books as I do........ Wait what and I kiding we don't pick the books the books picks us. So I am glad you are a Fangirl/ boy like me 
                    - your Fantasic , 
             @ Iamafangirl4ever


Look it's me I'm alive!
          lol none of you cared, I know, oh well. 
          I thought I'd just update everyone on the progress of this THING that I've been working on lately that thing being my new book, Lip Virgin which I said would be done by now. 
          Well it isn't.
          Turns out, I added WAYYYYYYYY too many characters initially, and the plot is only half done and I'm more in love with a secondary character than my main character (like always, I think I'm more obsessed with him than Parker and that's saying something) and it's just AGHSKGHSK MY BRAIN IS A MESS.
          but But BUT that does not mean that I will not get ready for it to be WattPad ready when I do, in fact finish this hot mess of a novel.
          So, at some point in the near future you can be looking for a description, cover and a prologue that'll give you more insight on what I've been working on.
          So sorry again, until then, BU-BUYYYYYYYYYYY
          P.S. Who thinks I should call myself a stage name? I've always liked the name Foster Enigma. Tell me what you think.


          I am back and thankfully still alive! I apologize for my absence but have good news that definitely rocked my world. 
          I WON NANOWRIMO!!!!!!
          *Throws confetti in the air runs around to fangirl at various strangers*
          There are so many good things about this but one of them is that once I'm done editing the nightmare that is 50K words of weirdness, I might, MIGHT post it here, in easily updatable hunks.
          It's my most planned out book yet, and I'm really excited to edit it all out soon so you guys could finally meet my precious baby.
          But in further news, happy belated Thanksgiving to the Americans of the WattPad world and I swear that I will be updating my books really soon, since after NaNo it's going to be a piece of cake.
          So thank you for your patience and all your love, thank you all for following even if I don't thank you all personally!