
Hi! I was wondering if you would like to edit my story? It's called Secrets Should Be Kept A Secret. I would prefer if we started off my way before we even jump into editing. I would prefer if you read my story first then we do a test drive to edit a chapter. Then see if we fit well for editing and writing together! :)


@BeccaAndCarly hello! I'm sorry but I cannot accept as I've been swamped with commitments lately >< thank you for your interest, your book looks pretty good! Continue writing, and all the best in finding an editor :D


I really love your bio holy hell
          I hope you're okay now though!


@spicy_sweets hello! thank you for stopping by at my profile. I'm really glad you like my bio! I'm better now, so just go ahead and pm me a brief summary of your story and I'll see what I can do. thanks! :)


Thanks for voting for my story  also, your bio is beautiful 


Awww, thank you very much :)


@LiarLiarLiar thank you very much! your story was a very touching and emotional read for me since a few of my close friends have had similar situations. it was a beautiful experience. I will definitely take a look through your library. I hope to see many more works from you in the future! keep writing! I believe in you :)


          I'm even worse than you. I can't even get a cell.
          Also, why would you wish to refrain from singing in the shower?


Perhaps not.
            But then by that definition, gun murderers would be people who kill with guns. That would be strange. Firearm murderer. Axe murderer. Projectile murderer. Okay, never mind about that.


Hmm... Interesting :) So if I say I'm a people murderer, I murder people using people? Doesn't that basically mean I manipulate people into killing other people? 0.0


That would be nice. :D An ear murderer. But then again, following the definition of an axe murderer, that would mean that you murder using ears. How would you murder someone using ears anyway? Bash them bloody? Highly unlikely. Or poison them or use them as projectiles... Hmm, that seems more likely. Though why you would want to use ears would remain a mystery.