
If anyone loves a dark paranormal mystery thriller, check out The Curator.


@Nimortica Thank you so much! So it's going to be the 14th of December! The new cover and new title is already out. Unfortunately I don't have review copies yet (they will be ready in late November or early December I think), but I'll definitely be handing them out, so let me know if you want one!


The Devil's Mistress is getting published!
          All of you know I've kinda deliberated what to do with this story and the pandemic has given me ample time to do that. Over the recent weeks I've finished the book and have decided to get it published.
          So it's nothing crazy, just self-publishing, but I kinda always wanted to do that and ti feels like now is my last chance before I start my graduate studies, find a job and spend the rest of my dismal existence doing grown up stuff (okay, I hope it won't be that bad, but you never know).
          I'll announce more details later this week and also where you can get free review copies of you like one.


I've just started to publish on Inkitt as well. Is anyone writing or reading there?


@CatherineBelmont I haven't heard of it before. What's your two cents on the pros and cons of each platform? (I just peeked and they look super similar...?)