
If you guys couldn't tell, I'm going through my works and editing them. I may have to take down a few, temporarily, to do tweaks and not spam you guys with notifications. I may have to somewhat re-write the beginning for a few of my first ones, seeing as I was a cringy noob back then. So don't worry, despite a few of the works disappearing they will reappear and I'm not abandoning my works. After I get my past chapters of everything to a satisfactory level I will start posting chapters again! Hopefully. My schedule is gonna be very unreliable, but I will give you story content! While I'm doing editing I'll be working on a few short stories/oneshots, so you'll at least have those to look forwards to. Sorry about my slow content rate.....


If you guys couldn't tell, I'm going through my works and editing them. I may have to take down a few, temporarily, to do tweaks and not spam you guys with notifications. I may have to somewhat re-write the beginning for a few of my first ones, seeing as I was a cringy noob back then. So don't worry, despite a few of the works disappearing they will reappear and I'm not abandoning my works. After I get my past chapters of everything to a satisfactory level I will start posting chapters again! Hopefully. My schedule is gonna be very unreliable, but I will give you story content! While I'm doing editing I'll be working on a few short stories/oneshots, so you'll at least have those to look forwards to. Sorry about my slow content rate.....


Ok, so I obviously can't keep a schedule. But I will keep updating whenever I can! For now in order to get me back into the hang of things, who wants a DP one-shot? Or maybe Two-shot depending on responses. Here is the idea: Danny Fenton/Phantom has to deal with people growing and moving on in life while he stays put. He can't age, he can't move on, He can't even have a proper education due to his ghost life! Yet everyone around him is growing, they're able to learn and move on in life. He has been trying to keep this realization at bay, that he will never be able to actually have a life. But now he must confront it. This may be a reveal fanfic too. I mean come on, Some boy doesn't age all throughout high school? His voice doesn't even change? People aren't *That* dense are they? The second one that may come after it would be everyone around him has grown old and are in the later stages of life, maybe even getting ready to pass away, yet he still looks as young as ever. How is he supposed to carry on when they're one? Why do they have to age when he doesn't? This will obviously have light angst, but it may end more happily depending. SO what do you all say?


@Cartara K! I'll get right on it after school! Thanks so much for staying and supporting me despite my completely random or lack of schedule, It really means a lot!


Alright, I may have updated late, but I updated! Plus it is a new story, a sequel to Fury! It is also a sequel, or at least a side-story/part of, Jordank's story called Bladed Rose. I'll be able to have steady bi-weekly updates for at least a few months I believe, hopefully more because I've got some chapters in waiting. I have learned to use a schedule instead of instantly publishing!


Sorry about disappearing all Summer everyone! My family's internet decided it would rather us be outside....
          But I plan on being on at least bi-weekly again! The main stories may still go quite slow, but I have a plan to make a challenge for myself, you'll see it soon! Jordank is getting to revive the stories we are working on together too, so be sure to check him out.


Thanks! I'm reviewing my earlier stories and cringing though.... I will have to upgrade them! The paragraphs are to long, the sentences are sometimes run-ons, and the words are all over the place! I don't understand how I thought it was absolutely amazing. I'll have to go and fix them, and add some content I apparently thought the reader would somehow magically know.


glad to have you back!! ✨✨ :))