Full time fangirl with a messy life.
14 years old, bad writer, forever single and just a flop of a human being.

Here are SOME of my many fandoms...

Phan, Tiny planet explorers, Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, Star Wars, Supernatural, BBC Sherlock, My Chemical Romance and more emo bands that aren't emo, classic rock, Marvel, DC, Hungergames, Anime, etc.

I'll probably upload oneshots every once in a while but don't expect too much, alright?

See you later! xxx
  • انضمJune 9, 2016


قصة بقلم CeaCoe
Destiel oneshot  بقلم CeaCoe
Destiel oneshot
I didn't know if I wanted to publish this oneshot because it ended up pretty bad but I just have an urge to u...
1 قائمة قراءة