I discovered that hammocks aren't great for writers, there's no where to rest your laptop in them and its so tricky to get out of you really can't be bothered to even try.
That being said I've managed a three or four chapters this week and I'm really happy as I've rewritten parts completely and moved away from the gapping plotholes in the first draft.
The chapter Girl from Mars tells us a little more about Ari - the title is obviously a real spoiler but it's also a song by Ash that takes me right back to my teenage years, driving around in my friend Tash's Beatle, this blaring through the summer nights. Like Ian, tash lived down my road and we used to walk to the Island (club similar to Severns) every Friday night and go crazy - she was always listening to the Doors. I still consider her one of my best friends although I don't get to see her to often now, time does that - she's a policewoman and she's strong and independent and God in this moment I feel so proud of her - the friends you make in your teens, the ones that last are the most special - to watch each other grow into other people, move away, but to share the same past, to have the same street names etched through your veins and the knowledge that will last forever, is truly beautiful.