
An ARMY made a petition for the South Korean government to ban sending funeral wreaths to living people, calling it a form of psychological harassment and abuse. The link is below: 


I'll follow you because I know I'm mixed breed but I have native American me and I've always wanted to cut my hair I actually had to cut my hair because it was full and knotted nobody could unknott it and you gave me a clear picture of why I should not cut my hair


I should be proud of my heritage so thank you


Hello there, Ms. A. I would like to express my interest and admiration to your work, BLACK SWAN. It is different than the fanfics I read so far. It's so edgy and thrilling at the same time. I love it. I can't wait for your next update~~ Gambare~~


@AshLhie20 Oh thank you so much I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters 