
Sooo. Whoo. Thank god you got in. I was about to go crazy. Did I interrupt something? Gosh, I type so much faster than I text. I swear. My thumb was about to fall off. Oh, three people texted me today. It was exciting, cuz it never happens. I got really freaked out each time. 'Where's the mouse?' I screamed.


There. Now you have access to all eight chapters I've written thus far. You probably won't like it- we have different tastes after all. But please make an effort to lie to me at least. Please? Sorry about all the messages by the way. Tonight's been an emotional roller coaster. That explodes mid-track, maiming all the riders inside. -.=
          Thanks Yoli. There is no emoticon for my emotion...
          Sorta dead, partly relieved, exhausted. Teensy bit pleased. If there were, it would look like this, I suppose: 
          (* #(%&_@^&% class="on-user-mention" href="/user/*( @*(@#&!)<">#&!)">@*(@#&!)</a>
          It is as painful as it looks. 
          Again, thanks. :)
          Hm, that's not exactly right. That smile is too big. 


Just realized I could have published it under private, where only you and I could see it. You and me is a lot less daunting than the whole world. I feel dead inside. Oh, I dedicated to you, my #1 fan! Okay, my only fan. But still. :) I'll upload the rest so you can read. As the fan girls say: PLEASE COMMENT <3 !!!    and all that jazz.


Ah. I see my undoings. It's mean. My story, I mean. It starts off a little mean. But that's only because I want my character to experience personal growth. And a few more stuff that'll happen later on. Jeezus. This is a happy website. Of course it won't be accepted. That's it. i give up. I resign myself to a future of non success.


novaaaaa...I'm so scared...I just submitted chapter one to my first story...that was ten minutes ago and I'm still shivering. (Also it's the weekend and my house is really cold.) Point being, I'm nervous. What if no one likes it? (Oh, and I submitted now to write that I've been published on an indie website. Which is now true.) It's such a bad story. I know. I'll delete it! Then no one will read it! That's a good idea, right? But that would mean lying on an application...! Oh jeezus! Novaaaa, I'm so scareeed.... <:(       oh that looks like a rhino...Hm, turns out each Word document is one Wattpad page. Meaning my chapters are like, two pages long. How annoying. I'll have to change that. If I don't delete, I mean. Man, I wish you'd answer.