
Dear Cell-phone novelists,
          	We are sorry for the lack of updates. We have COME BACK with a new review!
          	Check out our newest featured review of @liyelle ’s cell phone novel, Blank Canvas: https://www.wattpad.com/544563508-featured-reads-on-the-cell-phone-novel-network
          	Read the completed story here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/109055139-blank-canvas-cell-phone-novel
          	Want us to feature your favorite Cell Phone Novel? Submit your review to us by following the instructions given in this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5Fi1eFciBl8IXVMEvhx-dceIrHzou6VOZMKt5HD8Ieug7qQ/viewform
          	Does CPN piqued your interest? Want to start your own story in CPN Form but don’t know how? Read our on-going in-depth guides on how to write your own cell phone novels which will show you the way to make your mark: https://www.wattpad.com/story/99052264
          	And don't forget to check out our reading lists for more reading material. If you would like your works to be added, we are always considering submissions with the #CPN hashtag.
          	For full information on this account and how to join our team see our Network’s Guide: https://www.wattpad.com/312961317 or you can fill-out our online application found on this link: https://cellphonenovel.typeform.com/to/T70K8t
          	Facebook: https://fb.com/CellPhoneNovel
          	Twitter: https://twitter.com/WattpadCPN
          	CPN Movement: https://fb.com/groups/cellphonenovel
          	Many exciting things are yet to come, so stay tuned for our future updates!




Dear Cell-phone novelists,
          We are sorry for the lack of updates. We have COME BACK with a new review!
          Check out our newest featured review of @liyelle ’s cell phone novel, Blank Canvas: https://www.wattpad.com/544563508-featured-reads-on-the-cell-phone-novel-network
          Read the completed story here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/109055139-blank-canvas-cell-phone-novel
          Want us to feature your favorite Cell Phone Novel? Submit your review to us by following the instructions given in this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5Fi1eFciBl8IXVMEvhx-dceIrHzou6VOZMKt5HD8Ieug7qQ/viewform
          Does CPN piqued your interest? Want to start your own story in CPN Form but don’t know how? Read our on-going in-depth guides on how to write your own cell phone novels which will show you the way to make your mark: https://www.wattpad.com/story/99052264
          And don't forget to check out our reading lists for more reading material. If you would like your works to be added, we are always considering submissions with the #CPN hashtag.
          For full information on this account and how to join our team see our Network’s Guide: https://www.wattpad.com/312961317 or you can fill-out our online application found on this link: https://cellphonenovel.typeform.com/to/T70K8t
          Facebook: https://fb.com/CellPhoneNovel
          Twitter: https://twitter.com/WattpadCPN
          CPN Movement: https://fb.com/groups/cellphonenovel
          Many exciting things are yet to come, so stay tuned for our future updates!




A Blessed New Year to everyone from the Cell Phone Novel Team!
          We apologize for our long, and sudden MIA with the community activities for l the Team's been through a lot of hurdles individually, but we are finally back on track and we missed you all!
          Let's all have a great start of the year!
          - The Cell Phone Novel Team


@CellPhoneNovel Welcome back. Are you guys mainly going to focus on Cell Phone Novels? No judgement, I love poetry myself. It's very very good to hear from you.


@CellPhoneNovel Happy New Year!ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ


@ayanco-tateyama happy new year to you as well! (。•ㅅ•。)♡


          I realize the Textnovel website is down. 
          Seems like there's a lot of people voicing out about it and there may be some damage control necessary. Some of the writers are not cell phone novel writers. We may have to be prepared to post statements about the writers in the community and volunteer leaders of the cell phone novel network not knowing what happened and that due to the servers having issues in the past few years that we've been asking writers to back up and migrate their work. We also lost work on the servers and are looking into any way of reaching the Textnovel owner and staff. We apologize for the failure, but we also are not the ones in charge and responsible for this.
          Thank you for your understanding.
          The Cell Novel Novel Network Team