
if anyone ever sees this, go follow @the_nobody_who_cares and read his stuff. it's too good for words


Have any tips for ranked battles when playing with a defence or heavy weapon like a charger or Splatling? I haven’t played Splatoon 2 in like forever since mom didn’t wanna pay for online. I’m getting it again for Christmas and I’m hoping to get back into playing but I’m scared of ranked matches haha 


@ii_kinglesbian_ii no problem! deco carried me to my first ever s rank in splat zones, so it has a special place in my heart. i use the bubbles to clear out certain areas. for example, if i'm playing clam blitz on the reef, and my team is pushing with a clam, i blow the bubbles into the area right below the basket and pop them so my teammates have cover and enemies in the immediate area either flee or get splatted. this works!
            honestly i just love the sparkles ;o;


@Cereulide oh thank you so much! I main deco so this really helped! Thanks for the tips, hoping to collect as much info and tips as I can for when I get back into ranked once I get online again;; thanks a bunch ✨


@ii_kinglesbian_ii oh god i haven't played in forever, but i played a frick ton of remix when it came out (got red badge in a week or less). personally i stay pretty forward. i'm an aggressive splatling player, but i'm really cowardly. due to splatlings not being amazing in close range combat, i retreat pretty quickly at times. try and aim where you think the player is headed. because you have a lot of bullets (?) in one charge, even if you miss for the first part, you still have a good chance of hitting them.
            thermal ink!! wear thermal ink so you can see where people are if you don't quite kill them :O also don't forget about subs, splash wall on deco is especially useful.
            be the eyes for your team. scope out a couple of good spots to stay on and switch between them so that opponents don't just keep targeting you at the one perch you keep returning to. this one game, i stood on the same spot and just killed anyone that tried to get onto the tower. i got 20-something splats that game.
            i'm really bad at giving tips but i hope this helped at least a little!! aaaaaa
