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The boy, who wanted to be found. Not the one doing the seeking. It’s a good thing she always won at hide and seek when she was younger. Louis was always unassuming the first few times she walked up to him and took a seat on the cold park bench next to him. While he fully believed his smile fooled her too, She would gaze up at the moon for a few seconds before wrapping an arm around his shoulders. His body tensed up at the sudden contact, hands flailing, as he stumbled over his words trying to say a dumb joke to break the silence. She’d then be forced to roll her eyes, fingers drawing odd shapes into the sleeve of his dumb coat, while cracking a cheesy joke in return. And just like that his shoulders would droop, his smile becoming a shell of its former self till it wasn’t forced. The real Louis finally poking out his head from behind the walls he built long ago. (Little sneak peak for the upcoming Twdg chapter of Separated, sorry for any mistakes )