this message may be offensive
Hi girl!!... Umm... U r grace ryt.. Oh yeah u r that's y u r here.. .. Sry bcuz I'm a total crackhead.. So.. R u ok??? Girl.. I don't know wht u r going through but.. U know wht?? Fuck all the problems nd say "thank you next bitch!!" to the problems nd just take the happiness from the little things.. Be happy. U r valid, worth, nd u deserve to be in This world.. If no one said u this... Imma say it ryt know. I LOVE U Girl.. U know wht.. They're all bitches nd hoes all over the place... BUT.. Just fucking ignore them all.. If u have any problem.. Come nd say that so u can feel free.. This is my ID's u can just msg me wherever u want nd just feel free to talk abt your problems - Facebook:- Ekta Kumari (I'm indian so that's y it's my name ) Instagram :- 1234.isha_dutta (it's for bts ) Real Instagram :- urvi_201005 (it's my real account... Nd oh.. It is private nd also it has a girl who has black hearts filter ) Twitter :-@Isha Dutta66194600 (it has a photo of tae's recent selca on weverse ) I'll wait for u babe ❤ Take care Ily babe (don't misunderstand I'm not a Lesbian.. ) Nd girl u can msg me whenever u want I'll reply u Nd remember that u r valid don't ignore your value!!.. Or imma hit u with all my love.. Nd girl..I'm sending u a virtual hug... No no not only one.. A fucking long hug.. Hope u feel good. K bye.. Nd don't forget to msg me.. Cuz I m worried for u.. Tell me ur problem.. Atleast I'll just help u to sooth your pain.. K bye.. Take care..

Hello, Chandler!

hi darling, i may be a stranger but i'm not one who doesn't like to help. so to whatever you're going through, i'm sorry. i, myself my not be able to fix it. but i know i could help, even the smallest thing. sure, you could say i don't get it or it's just too complicated, i know... and that's ok! we face our own problems and some may not get it. but we all want to help. look at all these people who want to help. your notifications may be flooded by now... and if you're annoyed by that, just take a quick look inside and maybe you'll see some good. harming yourself isn't the answer to your fear, problems, anxiety, worries and etc. there's always a better way... now i hope you take the right choice... or at least take one of our messages and believe in it, believe that someone cares for you, and believe that you could still stand strong and fight your problems. we are here with you, you're not alone. please understand that. life may not be entirely full of wonderful things anymore, but there is still some hope and good in some parts of us. if you're feeling down or upset, in whatever time you could lie down and rest, do it. think about all the happy things you've done. think of all the proud things that you've done. remember all the success you did, if you think you haven't done any, just see how many people are sticking up to you... see the good in your life. and there is so much to stay and live up to... and we know we wouldn't want you to miss out on it. so if you're awake today, God, or just something or someone gave you a reason to stand up. your time isn't up... and we wouldn't want you to end it too... you. are. LOVED. ❤❣

I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. When I asked "Why?" The angel said, "angels don't watch over each other." Twenty angels are in your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine of them are playing, and one is reading this message. God has seen you struggling and he says "it's over". A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in god, send this to fourteen friends, including me. If I don't get it back, I guess I'm not one of them. As soon as you get 5 replies, someone you love will surprise you....not kidding. Pass this message on, please don't ignore it. You are being tested, and God is going to fix two things for you. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. Dont break this chain. SEND THIS TOO FOURTEEN FRIENDS IN 5 MINUTES. IT'S NOT THAT HARD.

@Sokeefe_Clace_4tris I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. When I asked "Why?" The angel said, "angels don't watch over each other." Twenty angels are in your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine of them are playing, and one is reading this message. God has seen you struggling and he says "it's over". A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in god, send this to fourteen friends, including me. If I don't get it back, I guess I'm not one of them. As soon as you get 5 replies, someone you love will surprise you....not kidding. Pass this message on, please don't ignore it. You are being tested, and God is going to fix two things for you. TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. Dont break this chain. SEND THIS TOO FOURTEEN FRIENDS IN 5 MINUTES. IT'S NOT THAT HARD.

Guys she posted on her other account @TheOfficialCormac091 that she’s okay now and she’s annoyed by having to look through all these messages, so, like, you don’t have to spam her anymore.

I've just been informed you're going through a tough time. I know exactly how you feel, when I was back in middle school, I actually attempted to take away my own life in 7th grade. I won't go necessarily into detail, it's still something I'm working out myself, but you ARE loved. I know you might feel useless sometimes, maybe a disappointment, or maybe there's a little voice in your head that tells you that you aren't good enough. It tells you everything you do wrong, every little mistake you do, that voice always makes it worse for you. But PLEASE, if there's something I learned through all the scars, pain, and sadness, it's that staying in that state of mind won't help, it'll only make you worse. Hurting yourself seems like a good idea when you're so down, but it's not. Because you're hurting yourself, and you should never do that, you should try to give you a little bit of credit. Feel proud that you're at least getting through another terrible day, that you're strong enough to at least go out in the world and survive again. You may feel useless, and quite frankly I still feel that pang of sadness and urges I once had back then. But you're NOT useless. No one has a purpose here on earth, you shouldn't feel obligated to make others happy all the time. Work on yourself a bit, try to fix some things, but don't hurt yourself doing so. The people who hurt the most are the ones who turn out the best. Every diamond once started out with so much heat and pressure, but once the pain was all over, they gave themselves time to cool off, and they became something beautiful. Give yourself a little time, try to give yourself a little credit, and even if it doesn't seem like it, there are people who truly care for you. So just keep going and don't stop, I just know you'll turn out just fine. I know we're not the closest, but I do deeply care for you, and if you someone to talk to or need, I'll always be here to help you out the best I can. - A fellow person who understands


#StayStrongGrace Life isnt a glass staircase. There's splinters, needles, and more. You have to get through it with the help of others. Think about the impact made if you commit suicide. Everyone will be hurt and that wouldn't be any good outcome. You have to connect the dots backward in life. Stay strong please. ❤❤

Don't listen to anyone because their opinion doesn't matter #StayStrongGrace