
Ok I sighed off for like 3 months and now I have 1.7k notifications to look through. This is gonna take me awhile


You don’t have a theme and it hurts meee


@Ash_di_Angelo Lol that's cuz this was way back before I figured out how to.change it cuz it was on mobile site and it wasn't even the full site, meaning also no dms.


          Remember her?


@PersassyIsNumber1 *shakes head* wouldn't work. Dad deleted the Google account attached to it.


@SexyandSarcastic Lol
            You could click the forgot password button and change it tho


Thanks for the follow m8


I am a death eater aftet all


Hey yall
          How r yall?
          So...bad news. I mightve gotten in a bit of trouble the other day...... and now im not aloud to be on any electronics or anything like that. So i wont be able to respond to yalls mesages and stuff. Ill try to sneek on, but that wont be very often. If ever. So yeah. Just thought id let yall know. 
          Have a great day. Remember to eat and drink and stuff like that. We may not want to, but it is nessasary. 
          Bye yall!!
          YES ALMOST 50 FOLLOWERS!! it may not be much to yall but it means alot to me. So THANK YOU!! I LOVE ALL YALL!!
          but sirously bye yall!!   :(


Yall convince me that this isnt savage. Yall gonna fail.
          Im gonna make my first born child read harry potter and convince them that they are a wizard and that they will get their hogwarts letter when they turn 11. 
          On their 11th bday, a letter (written by me of course) will arive. 
          In the fall im gonna take them to kings cross station, and point out the wall in between platforms 9 and 10. Then im just gonna stand there saying nothing as thsy run head first into the wall.
          Is it bad that id probably do this?