I am nothing but weakness.
I am not naturally strong, fast or flexible.
I’m not the smartest person in the world.
I get emotional over the stupid things.
I eat the wrong foods. I don’t sleep enough.
I procrastinate and I waste time.
I care too much about the meaningless things,
and not about the important things.
My ego is too big, my mind is too small.
Often trapped inside itself.
A person’s strength is often their biggest weakness.
But their weaknesses can become their strengths.
I am weak. In all those ways, I am weak.
BUT I don’t accept that.
I don’t accept I am what I am and that is what I am doomed to be. No. I do not accept that.
I’m fighting. I’m always fighting.
I’m struggling, I’m scraping and kicking and clawing at those weaknesses, to change them. To stop them.
Some days, I win. Some days I don’t.
But each and everyday, I get back up and I move forward, with my fists clenched.
Towards the battle, towards the struggle.
And I fight with everything I have to overcome those weaknesses.
And those shortfalls. And those flaws.
As I strive to be a little bit better today, than I was yesterday.
- Jocko Willink