hey guys^.^ so i need some god/ goddesses magics because i really dunno what to do with some of them. there are the given ones. like some dark magics going to hades (pluto) and like zeus having storm magic, appolo having starfire (or something of the sort because hes the god of music, Healing, and the sun) but some like bacchus (dionysus) i have nothing... i mean what can i really do with god of wine? so far hes leisure, unwinding and all i could really think of was making good with a sword.. but then artemis and athena are good with stuff like that.. sooooo... o............o ill post a list and if you can help me i would really appriciate it!^.^ ..some planets are going to end up being something else and ill post the other list later on..
Dionysus (bacchus) -god of wine
Hera (juno) - zues' wife, queen of olympus
Hestia (vestia) - goddess of the hearth, very gentle, zues' sister
Demeter (Ceres) - goddess of the harvest,
Persephone - hades' wife, kidnapped wife, daughter of demeter
o...o Thanks for the help!^.^ ill try and remember to credit you for the helpful ideas!^.^