
Stayed up late night and wrote another chapter woot woot. I have been dying to get to this chapter for a while now and I didn't expect to make it as long as I did but I ended up chopping it in half and part two of "The Bar Fight" chapter will be next. I'm anxious to see what you all will think of this new twist to the story. 
          	Please forgive me if there are some gramma errors.... or any errors for that matter. I literally just wrote this chapter and posted it because I am too tired to read over it all. <3 I hope it is still good. Constrictive Criticism is always welcomed.


Stayed up late night and wrote another chapter woot woot. I have been dying to get to this chapter for a while now and I didn't expect to make it as long as I did but I ended up chopping it in half and part two of "The Bar Fight" chapter will be next. I'm anxious to see what you all will think of this new twist to the story. 
          Please forgive me if there are some gramma errors.... or any errors for that matter. I literally just wrote this chapter and posted it because I am too tired to read over it all. <3 I hope it is still good. Constrictive Criticism is always welcomed.


It's been a crazy few weeks but I have managed to write a new chapter and might try for another tonight :) How do authors do it? What do they do to  make sure they finish a book within a few months time? I don't get it. Whats the secret? 
          I just allow life to get in the way. I try to do too much and take on way to many roles. The only time I can write is when my family is asleep and I don't have any work to worry about. I hope to keep my load lightened so I can focus more on writing this year. I promise to give it my all. <3 
          Anyways, what books has everyone been reading both Wattpad/Non-Wattpad? I am looking for a new book on here to read at the moment. I also just finished Colleen Hoover's Regretting You and you guys, it's so dang good! Highly recommended it and any of her books. What Wattpad romance should I read next?


@IndiaTungate I'm sure you'll find one of hers you like.


@ElleLeeLove I am going to check her out now and add her books to my list. You are the best!!! I bet I will absolutely love the book as well.


@IndiaTungate I highly recommend @Sarahbeth552002 All of her books are amazing! I've read all 25. She just became a Wattpad star. My favorite of hers is Something's Gotta Give. I've read it twice. It's that good.


I started my story "Raine, Raine, Go Away" back in 2016. It had been a slow process mainly because I am a mother of two and run a full time photography business. I hardly have the time these days to dedicate towards writing but I vowed that in 2020 I WILL make the time and I WILL finish this story!
          I have been working hard on revising chapters and so far have five that have been completely re-wrote. I kept some parts the same, most the first three chapters but I felt like my previous story was a little cheesy. It needed something different, more exciting, and definitely more captivating. 
          I really would love to share these revised chapters. I could use the constructive criticism and would love to know what readers would think of the changes. I could use all the motivation and having people read my story truly helps keep me focus on my writing goals. 
          I don't want to loose the progress that the old Raine Raine Go Away has made plus It's hurt my heart to just delete those old chapters, even if I am working hard on rewriting them. So I think what I am going to do is create a new story with the revised chapters. Thoughts????


@IndiaTungate I really hope so and of course I will!! Look forward to your masterpiece being updated as well!


@its_tanz UGH I seriously cannot wait to read it. All rough drafts are a mess girl that is the beauty of it. But out of the mess will come a absolutely master piece. You'll have to let me know when it is posted!!!


@KatesCarousel  I will send all the good vibes your way. Have you been able to work on on any new ideas? I would LOVE to read more of your work


Back at it again today!! <3


@IndiaTungate Me too. We're praying for a miracle. Her kidneys are failing.


@ElleLeeLove I am so sorry to hear about that. I hope everything is okay.


@IndiaTungate I've been better. Grammy Love had to be rushed to the hospital on Mother's Day.


8 day streak you guys!!!! :) I'm so proud of myself for making the time, even if it's just a few hours after my babies go to sleep,  to work on finishing this novel! <3


@IndiaTungate first year of college finally done and thank you so much!!!  You're an inspiration and it's a wonder how you manage all of that omg ❤️❤️❤️


@its_tanz Oh I remember those days all too well. I do not miss school work lol. It really does suck most of your time away. <3 But look at you kicking butt. PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!! I am doing great. Besides raising babies, I have my photography business as well. I stay pretty busy but am trying really hard to write on this book with any free chance that I can :)


@IndiaTungate oof so tired but college is about to end soon!! Hope you're well <3


It feels incredible to be working on Raine, Raine, Go Away again. I have missed this story so much. I just re-wrote chapter 4. I might go a head and post these newly revised chapters however, I changed things up a bit with how my main character's meet so there is a chapter or two that might seem confusing if I updated this. I'm torn but also so excited to share the new chapters. :)


The Prologue, Chapter 1 & 2, are all revised. I am currently working on rewriting Chapter three. I recently thought of a better way that I want Raine and Ryland to meet. I felt like It was more fitting to my story and overall plot line. Anyways, I'm pretty excited to be back to writing on this story. :)


@IndiaTungate I'm so glad you're backkkk


Hey Everyone!
          I’m still here. I keep checking in on Wattpad here and there but I’m slowly but surely making more time in my busy schedule to be more active on this wonderful platform. I’m currently working on rewriting the chapters of Rain Rain Go Away. 
          I have reread them and I feel like there needs to be so much editing done & things to take out & things to add in. I am excited to be working on this story again & hope I can stick with it & finish it soon! Im also working on being more active towards my readers & stories id like to follow. 
          I just wanted to check in with everyone! ❤️ Thank you so much for your patience & understanding. 


@IndiaTungate I have been busy working all summer  so I haven't written anything new.


@ElleLeeLove HEY! How are you?!? Thank you so much. I feel like I really needed the breather not only to spend time with my family & focusing on my career but for the story as well. There is so much I want to change to make this story much much better. <3 Is there anything new from you that I can catch up on?


@IndiaTungate Welcome back!!! Looking forward to reading more of your story!