
Hi guys. 
          	Probably you guys have forgotten me over the VERY long hiatus I've been through. Truthfully, I've been avoiding Wattpad because all of my delayed works have been piling up, and I'm not happy with that. But even though I did, some of you guys still leave votes and bookmarked some of my works. I'm very happy for that, thank you.
          	So, I'm gonna start a new account. Why? Because, one: some of the new readers of my works are starting and probably haven't even gone through most of the work they're currently reading. It'll be rude of me to suddenly delete them or start anew out of a sudden. It would be shocking for them to find a work they're going to continue reading disappearing out of nowhere.
          	Two: I feel like by making a new account I'll be able to challenge myself to turn over a new leaf and gain new followers (which is also a hard challenge). Also, it'll give me relief to start over to a blank sheet.
          	I'm very sorry if you're disappointed or even dissatisfied with this post message. For those who have been following my development until now and coping with it, thank you very much and once again, I apologise.
          	My new account is named UsagiKiri_31 for those who still wants to see my future works.


Recap: The new account is named Seraph_31. (Without the fullstop.)


Hi guys. 
          Probably you guys have forgotten me over the VERY long hiatus I've been through. Truthfully, I've been avoiding Wattpad because all of my delayed works have been piling up, and I'm not happy with that. But even though I did, some of you guys still leave votes and bookmarked some of my works. I'm very happy for that, thank you.
          So, I'm gonna start a new account. Why? Because, one: some of the new readers of my works are starting and probably haven't even gone through most of the work they're currently reading. It'll be rude of me to suddenly delete them or start anew out of a sudden. It would be shocking for them to find a work they're going to continue reading disappearing out of nowhere.
          Two: I feel like by making a new account I'll be able to challenge myself to turn over a new leaf and gain new followers (which is also a hard challenge). Also, it'll give me relief to start over to a blank sheet.
          I'm very sorry if you're disappointed or even dissatisfied with this post message. For those who have been following my development until now and coping with it, thank you very much and once again, I apologise.
          My new account is named UsagiKiri_31 for those who still wants to see my future works.


Recap: The new account is named Seraph_31. (Without the fullstop.)


Hey... So....
           I'm sorry for being in hiatus for almost half a year.
          OMG! HALF A YEAR!
          To make it up to you guys, I've posted three chapters plus the prologue of Realizing's remake. Also, there's some of The Choice She Won't Regret's chapters that IS on progress.
          Those chapters are sadly (and quite possibly, gladly?) the prologue and chapters 1,2,3. Which means, another remake. But I got myself a decent editor this time, and she'll help me throughout the entire story of course.
          Those three chapters will be long (and hopefully satisfying), so please look forward to those!!
          Thank you for all the comments and votes, even though it doesn't look like it, I actually read all of them. It makes me happy that you guys are still reading my works :)


          Sorry I've been in hiatus for almost a month. I apologize. Actually, my mom confiscated my phone and I could only use it in a very, very short time. 
          And it's almost exam week.
          For you guys who's been waiting for The Choice She Won't Regret, I promise I'll update and it'll be worth it '-'/


Hey, guys!
          Soo... A lot of you must've been waiting for TCSWR, right? I apologize for the delay. Since the beginning of school year, right after holidays, I've been packed with massive amounts of school works and exams. 
          Also, I've been trying to reconstruct my other story, Realizing, which have been dead for a while, but I haven't gave up on it! So, I'm writing some chapters about it while working on the latest chapter of TCSWR.
          I can't promise that it will be updated any sooner, but the chapter IS on progress so look forward to it!


A quick 2 chapter update on TCSWR is up!
          Chapter 7 :
          And also, a Christmas Special! There's a warning, therefore beware!
          Christmas Special - Original Story (WARNING: NO FLINX) :
          If you're questioning my reasons for righting a non-flinx, you can comment them at the Christmas Special chapter.


*righting---- writing*
            Stupid auto-correct 